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Jesus offers eternal life

When does Jesus help? What’s the purpose of the gospel? What are good works good for? There are many ideas about this and some misconceptions. Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider clarified what really matters. Photo: NAC USA Photo: NAC USA Photo: NAC USA Photo: NAC USA Photo: NAC USA Photo: NAC USA Photo: NAC USA Photo: […]

April 16, 2019

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Getting excited about church

Preparing for a big event can be exhausting, but it can also be exciting and a lot of fun. Every congregation has big and small stories to tell. And they clearly show: getting involved in the Church is fun! International Youth Convention in Germany Photo: Oliver Rütten International Youth Convention in Germany Photo: Oliver Rütten […]

March 29, 2019

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Divine service in the southernmost city of the world

Whether at the end of the world, close to the South Pole, or on a small island somewhere in Africa, divine services and fellowship are possible nearly everywhere in the world. All one has to do is get up and go. A trip around the world Photo: Jeannot Leibfried A trip around the world Photo: […]

March 15, 2019

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The Chief Apostle’s visit to Uruguay

Colonia del Sacramento is the name of the city in Uruguay that Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider will visit over the weekend. On his agenda are two divine services and a Day of the Youth. Photo: Mauricio Bolletta Photo: Mauricio Bolletta Photo: Mauricio Bolletta Photo: Mauricio Bolletta Photo: Mauricio Bolletta Photo: INA Uruguay Photo: Mauricio Bolletta […]

March 14, 2019

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Poverty is not always visible

Helping where few bother to look: this is the objective that NAK- Humanitas, the relief organisation of the New Apostolic Church Switzerland, has set itself. Their annual report 2017 shows how successful they are with this. Photo: NAK-Humanitas Photo: NAK-Humanitas Photo: NAK-Humanitas Photo: NAK-Humanitas Photo: NAK-Humanitas Photo: NAK-Humanitas Photo: NAK-Humanitas “NAK-Humanitas has consistently tried to […]

March 12, 2019

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Water instead of wine

It is significantly taller than the communion cup, beautifully engraved, and it will not be placed on the altar in every divine service: the baptismal chalice which the New Apostolic Church USA has just introduced. Photo: NAC USA Photo: NAC USA Photo: NAC USA Photo: NAC USA Starting this year, a unique baptismal chalice will […]

March 7, 2019

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Mourning, celebrating, worshipping

It does not happen every day that the website of a District Church dedicates a whole page to a District Elder. Yet this is what the New Apostolic Church in the Philippines has done. “Mourning our founding father” Photo: NAC Philippines “Mourning our founding father” Photo: NAC Philippines Chinese New Year celebration in New York […]

March 1, 2019

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Growing together and growing closer

The idea is not to plow a lonely furrow, but to do it together: Jesus Christ sought fellowship and fostered it. And Christians follow His example … all the time and on all continents. Growing together and growing closer – In the circle of the Apostles Photo: NAC Ghana Growing together and growing closer – […]

February 22, 2019

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Our annual motto artfully designed

“Draw the motto ‘Rich in Christ’!” This is a challenge that graphic designers across the world have taken up. shows some of the first illustrations and drawings. The gold ring from South-East Asia Photo: NAC Southeastasia The Brazilian treasure chest Photo: INA Brasil The Canadian twin Photo: NAC Canada The Canadian twin Photo: NAC […]

January 21, 2019

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Worthwhile investments

It is more blessed to give than to receive, the Bible tells us—something many practise. A look across the continents shows that many people give gladly of what they have, be it gifts and talents, time, or money. And it always creates joy and gratitude. South-East Asia: Joy to the neighbours Photo: NAC Hong Kong […]

December 21, 2018

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Confirmation services in midsummer

When in Rome, do as the Romans do, the popular saying goes. Traditionally, confirmation services in Argentina and Brazil take place on the first Sunday in December. It has to do with the school holidays. Photo: INA Brazil Photo: INA Brazil Photo: INA Brazil Photo: INA Brazil Photo: INA Brazil Photo: INA Brazil Photo: INA […]

December 18, 2018

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The numbers behind charity

About four million euros went to one hundred projects in 24 countries: this what the 2017 annual report of NAK-karitativ states. The report was published recently and describes some of the fates behind the figures. Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ […]

December 10, 2018

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Consolation and hope go hand in hand

The needs in the many thousands of congregations across the globe are as different as the inhabitants and societies. Here is a glimpse. Photo: ENA DR Congo Photo: ENA DR Congo Photo: ENA DR Congo Photo: ENA DR Congo Photo: ENA DR Congo Photo: ENA DR Congo Photo: ENA DR Congo Photo: NAC Ghana Photo: […]

November 16, 2018

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More Bible readings and meditation in divine service

Reading the Bible is essential for Christians. In future, people who attend New Apostolic services will experience even more of this. At the recent session of the District Apostle Meeting International, the District Apostles adopted three changes. The liturgy creates solemnity, structure, and security “In the divine service the congregation gathers to hear God’s word […]

November 14, 2018

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Street, stage, divine service – Music calls the tune

The 2019 International Youth Convention will be full of vibrant music: during the main event in the arena, during concerts on stage, or spontaneously outside and on the go. What are the plans? How can young people participate? We spoke with Evangelist Jürgen Gerisch of the IYC Planning Committee Music. Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver […]

November 10, 2018

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Silvertown celebrates – Memories between joy and sadness

A divine service for the departed on the congregation’s anniversary? Sure! It is not out place, at least not in Silvertown (South Africa). Joy and grief go hand in hand there. Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: Zentralarchiv NAK Nordrhein-Westfalen […]

November 8, 2018