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Chief Apostle

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“It starts in our hearts”

Do not stop with the Old Testament, but listen and accept the message of Jesus Christ. This is the appeal Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider made during the divine service in Athens in Greece on 2 April 2023. Photo: NAE Ελλάδα Photo: NAE Ελλάδα Photo: NAE Ελλάδα Photo: NAE Ελλάδα Photo: NAE Ελλάδα Photo: NAE Ελλάδα […]

May 17, 2023
Chief Apostle

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God’s word reaches His children everywhere

Some congregations gather under a tree, others meet in a member’s home, and still others in a large church. And all celebrate divine service. If you cannot be in your congregation for whatever reason, you are welcome to join us for online worship. Live-Streaming on Sunday, 14 May 2023 Angola, Portuguese, Canada, English, French, […]

May 12, 2023
Chief Apostle

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Ministry (29): For want of a doctrine it becomes a question of order

Jesus, women, and the apostolate… While the biblical findings are indisputable, they do not provide clear answers. How does the New Apostolic Church treat this? Here is the first interim conclusion on the question of what the New Testament says about the ordination of women. When it came to Jesus and the role of women […]

May 11, 2023
Chief Apostle

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Two Pentecost events to be streamed live

New Apostolic Christians from all over the world can tune into this year’s Pentecost celebration on two occasions. Not only will the divine service on Sunday be broadcast but also the concert on Saturday. And the hosting district is quite famous for its music. Cape Town Photo: Frank Schuldt Tafelsig Photo: NAC Cape Tafelsig Photo: […]

May 9, 2023
Chief Apostle

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Eighty years ago: the bombing of Dortmund

The name Magney is well-known in New Apostolic circles in Germany: there were two Apostles with that name. The younger of the two was confirmed by the older one some eighty years ago. And the older Magney died in a bombing raid eighty years ago today. Today we pay tribute to a pioneer. Photo: NAK […]

May 5, 2023
Chief Apostle

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The Holy Spirit was promised, sent, and is active

Ascension Day and Pentecost—the month of May speaks for itself. And so do our divine services: the brothers and sisters will learn more about the announcement of the Holy Spirit and how God reveals Himself to them as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Promises of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament The Holy Spirit […]

May 3, 2023
Chief Apostle

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Sorrow will turn to joy

The weeping of the disciples over the suffering and death of Jesus was transformed into joy: Jesus is risen! Back then, as today, suffering is transformed into joy. This is the message that Chief Apostle Schneider conveyed in a recent divine service. Photo: NAC Lomé Photo: NAC Lomé Photo: NAC Lomé Photo: NAC Lomé Photo: […]

May 2, 2023
Chief Apostle

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Spotlight 7/2023: Relinquish – retain

To reign with Christ is a higher form of service. This is what District Apostle John Kriel from South Africa says in his article on our annual motto. What exactly this means he explains by telling us what we need to let go of and what we need to hold on to. When the Chief […]

May 1, 2023
Chief Apostle

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The diversity of the word

Global, multilingual, and independent of time and place: these are the features of our online divine services. The New Apostolic Church publicly broadcasts central divine services via IPTV, YouTube, and telephone. Live-Streaming on Sunday, 30 April 2023 Angola, Portuguese, Canada, English, French, East Africa, English, France, French, Equatorial Guinea, Spanish, […]

April 28, 2023
Chief Apostle

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“This shall not happen to You!”

Jesus prepared His disciples for a situation that would unsettle them completely and leave them helpless: His suffering and death, and His resurrection. Chief Apostle Schneider addressed the different reactions of the disciples in a divine service in the congregation of Lüneburg in Germany. Photo: JM Photo: JM Photo: JM Photo: JM Photo: JM Photo: […]

April 26, 2023
Chief Apostle

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A trip around the world from your sofa

Canada, Romania, Zambia… The New Apostolic Church broadcasts central divine services in over thirty regions and more than fifteen languages worldwide. And those who are on the road and wish to watch the divine services in their home congregation can do so too in many cases. Live-Streaming on Sunday, 23 April 2023 Angola, Portuguese, […]

April 21, 2023
Chief Apostle

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How Jesus helps us to bear up

Everyone is confronted with suffering one way or another. But how do we deal with it? There are many questions, but few answers to be had. Yet there is one particular source of comfort and strength. And there is a role model whom we can follow. Photo: NAC USA Photo: NAC USA Photo: NAC USA […]

April 19, 2023
Chief Apostle

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Spotlight 6/2023: Powerful words, strong faith

Faith, boldness, discipleship, loyalty, truthfulness, and love. These are the key words that District Apostle Kububa Soko from Zambia associates with our 2023 motto. In his Spotlight article he explains what exactly this means for our everyday life. At the beginning of each year, the Chief Apostle announces to the New Apostolic Church members the […]

April 17, 2023
Chief Apostle

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Divine services around the clock

Divine services morning, noon, and night. Anyone who wants to can watch divine services around the clock on Sundays. Thanks to YouTube, IPTV, and phone-in options the opportunities to hear God’s word are nearly unlimited. Live-Streaming on Sunday, 16 April 2023 Angola, Portuguese, Canada, English, French, East Africa, English, France, French, […]

April 14, 2023
Chief Apostle

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Reflecting the light of the world

It goes without saying: Jesus is the light of the world. But believers must also let His light shine, and let it radiate into the beyond. But how? The Chief Apostle examined this in a recent divine service. Photo: NAC Praia Photo: NAC Praia Photo: NAC Praia Photo: NAC Praia Photo: NAC Praia Photo: NAC […]

April 12, 2023
Chief Apostle

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Divine services on six continents

In nearly all parts of the world, divine services continue to be streamed online thanks to volunteers in the congregations. Phone options are also available. The only continent from which no services are being streamed is Antarctica. Live-Streaming on Sunday, 9 April 2023 Angola, Portuguese, Canada, English, French, East Africa, English, France, […]

April 6, 2023