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Chief Apostle

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Where faith is a miracle

South Africa and Mozambique share a border and yet the two countries could not be more different in many respects. But there are similarities. Here are some impressions from Mozambique, which the Chief Apostle will be visiting this week. The people are overjoyed to see Bishop Alvin Witten (centre) and his wife Photo: Alvin und […]

December 5, 2023
Chief Apostle

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Christmas is just around the corner

The religious holidays in December create a bit of a muddle with our usual Sunday service times. The festive season also influences the subjects of our divine services as we anticipate Christmas. Not only do we light candles during the season of Advent, but the promises and events associated with Jesus’ incarnation also shine into […]

December 1, 2023
Chief Apostle

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Reconciled diversity requires considerable effort

One faith, one doctrine – one church, many cultures: this was the common idea that hovered over almost every item on the agenda at the recent District Apostles’ Meeting in Zurich, Switzerland. This began already with the spiritual part, with which Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider kicked off the two-day meeting last Thursday. He outlined the […]

November 30, 2023
Chief Apostle

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“The best is yet to come”

Jesus turned things upside down. And this message must be passed on and shared with everyone. Because we do not talk about the end of the world, but about a marvellous future. This message is not just for preachers. Photo: Bernhard Holdener Photo: Bernhard Holdener Photo: Bernhard Holdener Photo: Bernhard Holdener Photo: Bernhard Holdener Photo: […]

November 29, 2023
Chief Apostle

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What microphone cables reveal

“Prayer works!” This is our motto for 2024. In his New Year’s message, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider explains the ideas behind it. Here is a behind-the-scenes glimpse of the recording session. Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Zurich, Switzerland: the head office of […]

November 28, 2023
Chief Apostle

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Responding to God’s goodness

The Chief Apostle recently visited the congregation of Halifax, Nova Scotia, in Canada to mark the congregation’s fiftieth anniversary. Denise Wright is one of the people who attended the very first divine services there. In an interview, the daughter of the man who established the congregation, remembers the beginnings. The congregation of Halifax in 1985 […]

November 16, 2023
Chief Apostle

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The flood and baptism: what old stories have to do with the new covenant

God made it rain. He saved Noah and his family with the ark. And at the end, He made a promise. These thoughts were the basis of a divine service by the Chief Apostle, which focussed on gratitude for a very particular God-given promise. Photo: NAK Süddeutschland Photo: NAK Süddeutschland Photo: NAK Süddeutschland Photo: NAK […]

November 15, 2023
Chief Apostle

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The teaching of the Apostles

What the Apostles preach and why we should follow the Apostles’ doctrine was the topic of a divine service the Chief Apostle conducted in Korea. He explained what the Apostle ministry has to do with the future of God’s children. Photo: NAC Western Pacific Photo: NAC Western Pacific Photo: NAC Western Pacific Photo: NAC Western […]

November 8, 2023
Chief Apostle

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From the small local congregation to a globally active church

The New Apostolic Church is active in almost two hundred countries. How can the unity of the Church be ensured despite differences in tradition and organisation? Answers can be found in the following article giving an overview of the structures of the Church. The Catechism of the New Apostolic Church presents and describes the doctrine […]

November 6, 2023
Chief Apostle

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Let us sing to the Lord

This week we look at a number of events where brothers and sisters came together to praise God through song and music. Photo: Gerrit Junge Photo: Gerrit Junge Photo: Gerrit Junge Photo: Gerrit Junge Photo: Gerrit Junge Photo: INA Argentina Photo: INA Argentina Photo: INA Argentina Photo: ENA Bénin Photo: ENA Bénin Photo: ENA Bénin […]

November 3, 2023
Chief Apostle

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Committed to the Church and society

When the New Apostolic Church first started to work in Portugal, the ministers had to deal with language barriers, finding places for worship, and building schools. This weekend, many years later, two special divine services await the country’s almost 5,500 brothers and sisters. Apostle Manuel Luiz (centre) was ordained as an Apostle by Chief Apostle […]

November 2, 2023
Chief Apostle

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Helpers at work (3): committed to education

Making dreams come true is the goal that the thirteen New Apostolic aid agencies have set themselves. One way to achieve this is through education. In 2023 some aid agencies have made great strides in this regard. Photo: NAC USA Photo: NAC USA Photo: NAC USA Photo: NAC USA Photo: NAC USA Photo: NAC SEA […]

October 31, 2023
Chief Apostle

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Pray while you play

Brandon Phillips is principal bassoonist and resident conductor of the Cape Philharmonic Orchestra. When his father first tried to get him interested in music he was not at all happy. Today, he himself mentors young aspiring musicians. Photo: Brandon Phillips Photo: Brandon Phillips Photo: Brandon Phillips Photo: ROBIN MALHERBE Photo: Brandon Phillips Photo: Brandon Phillips […]

October 26, 2023
Chief Apostle

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Don’t lose heart

Falling down, getting back up, and going forward. This is what will lead us to the goal. God helps the righteous in this. But who is righteous? Five examples and some answers from a divine service by the Chief Apostle. Photo: Randall Smith Photo: Randall Smith Photo: Randall Smith Photo: Randall Smith Photo: Randall Smith […]

October 19, 2023
Chief Apostle

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A question of relationship

Gratitude says something about our relationship with God. This is something that Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider made clear on Thanksgiving Day in Switzerland. The believers learned how one can show gratitude to God. Photo: Olivier Winkler Photo: Marc Genoux Photo: Olivier Winkler Photo: Olivier Winkler Photo: Marc Genoux Photo: Olivier Winkler Photo: Olivier Winkler Photo: […]

October 11, 2023