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God’s word within our own four walls

Divine services with Holy Communion. This is beginning to be possible in more and more congregations. But because this is still not possible everywhere and not for everyone, online services continue to be streamed. Here are the links for the coming Sunday. Angola, Português, Berlin-Brandenburg, Deutsch, Canada, English, Français, East Africa, English, […]

July 17, 2020

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Changes in the circle of the Apostles (1/2020)

Chief Apostle Schneider ordained three Apostles in the first half of the year. Two Apostles went into retirement and one died while still active. Apostle Futi Muekono (1987) and Domingos Francisco Suku (1978) Photo: NAK Westdeutschland Apostle Futi Muekono (1987) and Domingos Francisco Suku (1978) Photo: NAK Westdeutschland Apostle Karamat Kushal (1959) Photo: NAC International […]

July 8, 2020

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Adhering to the Bible, but in the right way

Sermons, pastoral care, leadership functions—all of these follow the standard of the Bible. But its precepts are not always clear. What Scripture says and what it does not say: a guide intended not just for ministers… “Following the precepts of Scripture” is the title of the latest doctrinal letter by Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider, which […]

July 2, 2020

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community 3/2020: Receiving good things and doing good

An edition filled with trust and good things. The new edition of community gives courage and showcases successful aid projects. It shows how faith can be explained and how it can practised. In more than 70 countries, community is distributed as a printed copy—mainly to Church members who do not have access to the Internet. […]

July 1, 2020

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Experiencing God in difficult times

A thirst for God? It certainly sounds a little unusual, almost like an abstract poem. In fact, it is a poem, a psalm, that describes the longing for God’s nearness, His protection, and support. Good thoughts in dreadful days. Photo: Jennifer Mischko Photo: Jennifer Mischko Photo: Jennifer Mischko Photo: Jennifer Mischko Photo: Jennifer Mischko Photo: […]

June 30, 2020

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Spotlight 12/2020: Freedom, the greatest gift of God

Freedom is a free gift of God. But He does not impose this freedom upon us. He only liberates those who want it. This is the experience of District Apostle Edy Isnugroho (Indonesia). I remember one Wednesday evening. After a service I held I noticed that a Priest—whom I knew well—had not attended. I was […]

June 29, 2020

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Online services in 17 languages

This coming Sunday the New Apostolic Church will again broadcast divine services on YouTube. Following is an updated overview, including two new countries and a new language. The New Apostolic Church in the Ukraine also has its own YouTube channel. The Church broadcasts divine services every Sunday at 10 a.m., which can be followed online. […]

June 26, 2020

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The sacraments (12): The durability and resistance of baptism

Acceptance, cleansing, total renewal: Scripture knows many interpretations of baptism. What the sacrament meant to people in concrete terms has changed in the course of history. Often it was a matter of politics and society. The decisive turning-point was the Constantinian Shift, that is the period in the fourth century, when Christianity developed from a […]

June 23, 2020

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Changing the form of divine services

Incense, candles, ornate robes? Without Apostle Menkhoff, divine services in the New Apostolic Church would perhaps still look like this today. Here is a tribute on the 125th anniversary of his death. Friedrich Wilhelm Menkhoff was born on 2 February 1826 in Wallenbrück (Germany). This is a portrait of him as a young man. Photo: […]

June 22, 2020

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Welcome to the virtual church

Part of our congregational and church life has moved online because of COVID-19. Here is a look at some of the means used and what online offers are available this coming Sunday in terms of divine services. Meetings Apostles and Bishops are coming together in video conferences and so are ministers at the congregational and […]

June 19, 2020

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Music to overcome the lockdown blues

One faith, many songs … Anyone who wants to see and hear how alive New Apostolic life is around the globe despite Pandemic restrictions only has to go to YouTube and look for virtual choirs. Join us for a tour of magical melodies. The world in pandemic isolation? Well, not necessarily where church music is […]

June 18, 2020

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Helping where Covid-19 has fueled hunger and poverty

For many people Covid-19 is just one more emergency they have to cope with. For them it has long been a question of survival! Here is what New Apostolic organisations are doing to alleviate the worst. Photo: NAK karitativ Photo: NAK karitativ Photo: NAK karitativ Photo: NAC SEA Relief Fund Photo: NAC SEA Relief Fund […]

June 16, 2020