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Women in the early church

Woman and man—created equally in the image of God? There is no shortage of evidence supporting that women were active participants in the early church. The question, however, is what these facts have to say about the role of women in the church. The position of women in Roman-Hellenistic antiquity was defined by the alleged […]

March 25, 2021

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How Jesus treated women

Woman and man—created equally in the image of God? Palestine at the time of Jesus was a patriarchally defined world. Nevertheless, the evangelists record multiple occasions when Jesus made women to be His witnesses and messengers. Let’s review the record. Mary, the mother of Jesus: when the twelve-year-old Jesus declared He was to be in […]

March 18, 2021

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Father, doer, and caring minister

His death was a shock for his small flock in Europe and his big flock in Africa. District Apostle Higelin passed away 25 years ago to the day. He was a man of action and a father figure of a unique build. Photo: Bischoff Verlag Archiv Photo: Bischoff Verlag Archiv Photo: Bischoff Verlag Archiv Photo: […]

March 16, 2021

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“Do you still remember why I had to suffer?”

Lent and Passiontide… It can feel like pain and sorrow. Compassion is what is called for! At the same time, however, it becomes clear that Christians must never forget why their Saviour Jesus Christ had to suffer: it was for them! The Son of God is considered as an example that illustrates that people who […]

March 1, 2021

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A fast with a pleasant aftertaste

First comes Mardi Gras—the Tuesday preceding Lent (also known as Shrove Tuesday)—then Ash Wednesday, and then Lent: a period that stretches all the way to Easter on the calendar. It is not about food deprivation per se, but primarily about introspection, a deeper look into one’s own heart. Abundance prevails in many regions of this […]

February 17, 2021

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The sacraments (27): Definitely something to chew on…

Are you serious, Leonardo? Dinner rolls? The bread on the menu of Da Vinci’s famous painting of Jesus’ Last Supper does not quite correspond to the historical reality. And the whole question of what kind of bread was served at the Last Supper is already tricky enough. Nevertheless, let us attempt a foray… This much […]

February 9, 2021

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Music sets the mood

There is hardly anything else that can unleash as much power as live music. But what if a person can no longer participate in concerts and performances due to high age? Anette Zanker-Belz has a solution: musical house calls. Photo: Meli Dikta Photo: Anette Zanker-Belz Photo: Meli Dikta Photo: Meli Dikta Photo: Meli Dikta Photo: […]

February 8, 2021

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A District Apostle Helper for Northern Europe

Only a few weeks after the most recent retirement, the circle of District Apostle Helpers will receive a new addition: to support one of the largest District Apostle Areas. Photo: NAK Nord- und Ostdeutschland Photo: NAK Nord- und Ostdeutschland Photo: Peter Harder Photo: Mirco Ulfers Photo: NAK Nord- und Ostdeutschland Pastoral care for the District […]

January 25, 2021

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At home worldwide

Pandemic-related restrictions are unfortunately the order of the day virtually everywhere in the world. That does not mean, however, that all church activities have ceased. These gems of brotherhood still exist. Photo: NAC Ghana Photo: NAC Ghana Photo: NAC Ghana Photo: NAC Ghana Photo: NAC Ghana Photo: NAC Moldova Photo: NAC Moldova Photo: NAC Moldova […]

January 18, 2021

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Changes in the circle of the Apostles: (2/2020)

There were only a few retirements and ordinations of Apostles in the second half of 2020. On account of travel restrictions, the District Apostles carried these out by mandate of the Chief Apostle. Currently, 348 Apostles are active worldwide. Apostles Jonathan Karl Sturm (1976) and Arnaud Martig (1971) Photo: NAC Canada Apostles Arnaud Martig (1971) […]

January 6, 2021

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The story of the man who was Chief Apostle for 30 years

These were difficult times in the history of the New Apostolic Church. They included two world wars, internationalisation, consolidation, division, and realignment—a little bit of everything. And he stood firm like a rock in the pounding surf: Chief Apostle Johann Gottfried Bischoff was born 150 years ago today. Every person has a right to private […]

January 2, 2021

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Freedom in Christ: more than a ray of hope

Freedom. Where? When? How? The Chief Apostle and the District Apostles have explored the annual motto from all sides. Here are a few highlights from our Spotlight series to usher out the old year. Photo: NAK Westdeutschland Photo: NAC Eastafrica Photo: NAK Luxemburg Photo: ENA Belgique Photo: ENA RD Congo Ouest Photo: NAC South East […]

December 30, 2020

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Using the power of faith: the people of 2020

Witten, Rohmer, Simon—three different names, three different stories. All of them revolve around what can be accomplished with the power of faith—and how it can help the members to move forward: the people of 2020. Extra tanks are needed when travelling through Mozambique. Filling stations are few and far between Photo: Alvin and Jean Witten […]

December 29, 2020

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Donors focus more on projects

The donors of the aid organisation human aktiv are making more targeted donations. This is reflected in the recently published financial report for 2019 by the institution of the New Apostolic Church Southern Germany. Last year, human aktiv raised about 1.15 million euros in donations. A good 55 per cent was donated to specific projects. […]

December 21, 2020

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Church continues a course of consolidation

The New Apostolic Church is continuing its process of consolidation: in the year 2022, the District Apostle district of Northern and Eastern Germany will merge with the District Apostle district of Berlin-Brandenburg. Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider made the announcement yesterday. District Apostle Wolfgang Nadolny, who leads the District Church of Berlin-Brandenburg, will go into retirement […]

December 14, 2020

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A surplus in donations put to immediate use

More donations, more funding for projects: this is the formula that sums up the year 2019 for the charity nak-karitativ. The recently published annual report makes it clear how necessary this was and is. Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ The balance sheet […]

December 7, 2020

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At home worldwide: Sharing joy and sorrow

Life is varied. Misery and elation alternate, and the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic is making it difficult not to feel overwhelmed. But there are always hopeful little stories that encourage and point to a better future. Here is a small glimpse. Western Pacific: virtual Christmas concert Photo: NAC Western Pacifik Western Pacific: virtual Christmas concert Photo: […]

November 25, 2020