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pentecost: a festival of fellowship and understanding. we have started into an exciting week. this coming weekend we will be celebrating the highlight of our church year. what happened at pentecost? what significance does the feast have for us as christians? a reflection in two parts. according to the traditional jewish calendar, pentecost was the festival of shavuot (meaning “weeks”), a jewish […]. 18 05 2015
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ascension day — the risen one returns home. the ascension of christ is a christian holy day about which few people know very much. somewhat underrepresented, it lies concealed between easter and pentecost. and yet, this day is immensely significant for salvation. jesus christ, the son of god, had risen from the dead on easter sunday. the women had come to the tomb […]. 14 05 2015
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allow christ to live in your heart. complaining, sulking, not attending the divine services… then the glad tidings that “christ lives” is not credible. in his easter sermon, chief apostle schneider spoke of a revolution at the time of christ, as well as of the changes that must take place in our time. photo: ena france photo: ena france photo: ena france […]. 16 04 2015
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passiontide—from trial to crucifixion. passiontide reaches its culmination with today’s celebration of good friday. today we commemorate jesus christ, who gives his life on the cross for mankind. but that is not yet the end of his path… passiontide commemorates the sufferings of jesus christ. it focuses on the question of why jesus had to die. the people wanted […]. 03 04 2015
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new hymnal introduced in spain. starting tomorrow, the new apostolic church in spain will turn over a new leaf, so to speak. as of 1 march, the brothers and sisters there will be singing from a new hymnal. the new spanish hymnal originated from a kind of big sister in a different part of the world. new hymnal introduced in […]. 28 02 2015
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chinese new year: loud, red, and fragrant. china is a huge country and for the most part unknown. for the longest time it was completely shut off. our correspondent kerstin kaehler has lived in china, the world’s most populous country, for the last 16 years. she describes what it is like to live there as an expat. a poster with an […]. 19 02 2015
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