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All authority and its proof
“And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.’” It was the authority mentioned in Matthew 28: 18 which the Chief Apostle explored in this year’s Easter service.
21 06 2023

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All generations are actively engaged
Not only the ministers and those who have functions in the Church are committed, but members of all ages. Everyone contributes their gifts be it in making music, knitting for the less fortunate, or by sharing advice with others.
09 06 2023

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Lubumbashi celebrated Pentecost
How did the Pentecost service get to the various congregations? In very different ways. And some, like the Democratic Republic of Congo, made a celebration of their own out of it.
31 05 2023

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A unique way to say thank you
The feast before the feast: twenty-two congregations across the Western Cape had their midweek service conducted by a District Apostle or a District Apostle Helper. The congregation in Tafelsig experienced a special surprise—and for good reason.
25 05 2023

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A place to make music, be safe, and learn
Over the next few days, the focus of the New Apostolic world will be on Cape Town in South Africa. The Chief Apostle and the District Apostles have gathered in the city for the International District Apostles’ Meeting. They will conduct divine services, attend a concert in Silvertown, and celebrate the birthday of the church on Pentecost.
24 05 2023

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Professing our faith
“I take part in divine service.” Such a post on social media is also a way of professing one’s faith, even if you join online divine services from home. Thanks to IPTV, this is now possible.
19 05 2023

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Ascension: so far and yet so close
An end that marked a beginning: by ascending to heaven Jesus Christ did not create distance between Himself and us, but actually came closer to us. Here are some thoughts on Ascension Day, which falls within Eastertide.
18 05 2023

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God’s word reaches His children everywhere
Some congregations gather under a tree, others meet in a member’s home, and still others in a large church. And all celebrate divine service. If you cannot be in your congregation for whatever reason, you are welcome to join us for online worship.
12 05 2023

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Two Pentecost events to be streamed live
New Apostolic Christians from all over the world can tune into this year’s Pentecost celebration on two occasions. Not only will the divine service on Sunday be broadcast but also the concert on Saturday. And the hosting district is quite famous for its music.
09 05 2023

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Far away and yet so close
On a holiday abroad, but you would still like to hear a divine service in your native tongue? This is possible thanks to our online church services. In many cases, you can even join the divine service in your own congregation, if you cannot be there in person.
05 05 2023

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At home worldwide: Positive impacts on people and the environment
Many people are committed to good causes. In South Africa, for example, a special service was held to bring comfort to refugees. In Germany, brothers and sisters sacrificed some of their free time for the environment. And in the Netherlands a church building was made available in support of democracy.
04 05 2023

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The diversity of the word
Global, multilingual, and independent of time and place: these are the features of our online divine services. The New Apostolic Church publicly broadcasts central divine services via IPTV, YouTube, and telephone.
28 04 2023

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A trip around the world from your sofa
Canada, Romania, Zambia… The New Apostolic Church broadcasts central divine services in over thirty regions and more than fifteen languages worldwide. And those who are on the road and wish to watch the divine services in their home congregation can do so too in many cases.
21 04 2023

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Divine services around the clock
Divine services morning, noon, and night. Anyone who wants to can watch divine services around the clock on Sundays. Thanks to YouTube, IPTV, and phone-in options the opportunities to hear God’s word are nearly unlimited.
14 04 2023

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Nearer to God: we are Thomas
Unbelieving? You must be kidding! It is precisely the doubter who comes closest to God. The key witness is the often misunderstood Thomas. Here is a somewhat different perspective on the account of Easter.
10 04 2023

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Divine services on six continents
In nearly all parts of the world, divine services continue to be streamed online thanks to volunteers in the congregations. Phone options are also available. The only continent from which no services are being streamed is Antarctica.
06 04 2023

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Malawi struggling to recover after a cyclone
Destruction, homelessness, hunger: of all the countries hit by the cyclone, Malawi was battered the worst. Relief efforts are underway also by New Apostolic aid organisations. What do the people need? District Apostle Kububa Soko wanted to see for himself.
05 04 2023

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From earthly death to eternal life
The King of kings humbles Himself and dies the death of the worst of criminals so that sinners do not have to suffer eternal death and can hope for eternal fellowship with God through His resurrection. Here are the subjects of our divine services in April.
31 03 2023
all authority and its proof. “and jesus came and spoke to them, saying, ‘all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth.’” it was the authority mentioned in matthew 28: 18 which the chief apostle explored in this year’s easter service. 21 06 2023
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all generations are actively engaged. not only the ministers and those who have functions in the church are committed, but members of all ages. everyone contributes their gifts be it in making music, knitting for the less fortunate, or by sharing advice with others. 09 06 2023
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lubumbashi celebrated pentecost. how did the pentecost service get to the various congregations? in very different ways. and some, like the democratic republic of congo, made a celebration of their own out of it. 31 05 2023
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a unique way to say thank you. the feast before the feast: twenty-two congregations across the western cape had their midweek service conducted by a district apostle or a district apostle helper. the congregation in tafelsig experienced a special surprise—and for good reason. 25 05 2023
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a place to make music, be safe, and learn. over the next few days, the focus of the new apostolic world will be on cape town in south africa. the chief apostle and the district apostles have gathered in the city for the international district apostles’ meeting. they will conduct divine services, attend a concert in silvertown, and celebrate the birthday of the church on pentecost. 24 05 2023
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professing our faith. “i take part in divine service.” such a post on social media is also a way of professing one’s faith, even if you join online divine services from home. thanks to iptv, this is now possible. 19 05 2023
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ascension: so far and yet so close. an end that marked a beginning: by ascending to heaven jesus christ did not create distance between himself and us, but actually came closer to us. here are some thoughts on ascension day, which falls within eastertide. 18 05 2023
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god’s word reaches his children everywhere. some congregations gather under a tree, others meet in a member’s home, and still others in a large church. and all celebrate divine service. if you cannot be in your congregation for whatever reason, you are welcome to join us for online worship. 12 05 2023
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two pentecost events to be streamed live. new apostolic christians from all over the world can tune into this year’s pentecost celebration on two occasions. not only will the divine service on sunday be broadcast but also the concert on saturday. and the hosting district is quite famous for its music. 09 05 2023
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far away and yet so close. on a holiday abroad, but you would still like to hear a divine service in your native tongue? this is possible thanks to our online church services. in many cases, you can even join the divine service in your own congregation, if you cannot be there in person. 05 05 2023
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at home worldwide: positive impacts on people and the environment. many people are committed to good causes. in south africa, for example, a special service was held to bring comfort to refugees. in germany, brothers and sisters sacrificed some of their free time for the environment. and in the netherlands a church building was made available in support of democracy. 04 05 2023
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the diversity of the word. global, multilingual, and independent of time and place: these are the features of our online divine services. the new apostolic church publicly broadcasts central divine services via iptv, youtube, and telephone. 28 04 2023
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a trip around the world from your sofa. canada, romania, zambia… the new apostolic church broadcasts central divine services in over thirty regions and more than fifteen languages worldwide. and those who are on the road and wish to watch the divine services in their home congregation can do so too in many cases. 21 04 2023
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divine services around the clock. divine services morning, noon, and night. anyone who wants to can watch divine services around the clock on sundays. thanks to youtube, iptv, and phone-in options the opportunities to hear god’s word are nearly unlimited. 14 04 2023
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nearer to god: we are thomas. unbelieving? you must be kidding! it is precisely the doubter who comes closest to god. the key witness is the often misunderstood thomas. here is a somewhat different perspective on the account of easter. 10 04 2023
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divine services on six continents. in nearly all parts of the world, divine services continue to be streamed online thanks to volunteers in the congregations. phone options are also available. the only continent from which no services are being streamed is antarctica. 06 04 2023
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malawi struggling to recover after a cyclone. destruction, homelessness, hunger: of all the countries hit by the cyclone, malawi was battered the worst. relief efforts are underway also by new apostolic aid organisations. what do the people need? district apostle kububa soko wanted to see for himself. 05 04 2023
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from earthly death to eternal life. the king of kings humbles himself and dies the death of the worst of criminals so that sinners do not have to suffer eternal death and can hope for eternal fellowship with god through his resurrection. here are the subjects of our divine services in april. 31 03 2023
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