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At home worldwide: Music, Christian dialogue, and an accident

The life of New Apostolic Christians around the globe is colourful. Following is a brief look at two concerts, a dialogue of religions, and a freak accident in Belgium … The Coro Italiano at the Christmas market in Stuttgart (Germany) Photo: NAK Süddeutschland The angklung orchestra of the NAC Indonesia at the concert of the […]

December 4, 2015

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European District Apostles plant tree

The Acer campestre, commonly called the field maple, was named as the Tree of the Year in Germany. Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider and the European District Apostles planted a young field maple at the conference of European District Apostles taking place in Zurich in Switzerland. Photo: Oliver Ruetten Photo: Photo: Photo: Oliver Ruetten Photo: Oliver […]

November 14, 2015

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The cup that holds bread and wine

Globalization even has an effect on liturgical implements. The communion cups used in our New Apostolic congregations are globally sourced these days. One manufacturer from whom the Church buys is in the state of Tamil Nadu in India. Communion cups used in our congregations in the district of South-East Asia Photo: NAC South East Asia […]

November 3, 2015

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Our understanding of ministry is being revised

“After the Catechism is before the Catechism …” This was the motto that accompanied the introduction of this fundamental reference work in December 2012. And driven by this motto, the District Apostle Meeting continues to work on fundamental concepts. Currently in the District Apostles’ focus is our concept of ministry. How do we understand ministry? […]

October 14, 2015

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Invitation to the international youth convention in 2019

From 30 May to 2 June 2019 there will be a remake of the European Youth Day—this time with participants from around the world. “I hope to see many young people from all over the world in Düsseldorf on Ascension 2019,” Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider says. Photo: EJT Team Photo: EJT Team Photo: EJT Team […]

October 13, 2015

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International youth convention planned for 2019

“We can hardly imagine under what horrible circumstances many people have to live!” the Chief Apostle prayed at the beginning of the District Apostles’ conference in Johannesburg in South Africa. Afterwards there was much to discuss and to decide for the District Apostles. Photo: Peter Johanning Photo: Peter Johanning Photo: NAC South East Africa Photo: […]

October 12, 2015

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“The ministry is so great and its bearer so small”

The gap between expectations and reality, between the ministry and its bearer … This field of tension made for some moving moments in the most recent divine service for ministers in Europe: the Chief Apostle apologized. The minister as a servant of God and a servant of the congregation … That was the topic of […]

September 29, 2015

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At home around the world: Of cans and bicycles

The lives of New Apostolic Christians also include some very simple, pragmatic things. A functioning bicycle, enough to eat … our members are there for one another and their fellow human beings. Even over the past few days. This time, takes a look at Africa and Europe. Collecting for a good cause: five tonnes […]

September 25, 2015

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At home around the world: clinic, collective, and Catechism

The Church is building a hospital, Apostles are working on growing together, and young people are occupying themselves with the Catechism—here is a look around the world from Africa to Europe to South America. Health centre in Zambia Photo: NAC Zambia Health centre in Zambia Photo: NAC Zambia Health centre in Zambia Photo: NAC Zambia […]

September 18, 2015

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At home worldwide: Young and old alike

While some are celebrating their diamond wedding others are just attending their very first Day of the Youth. While one goes to bed at ten o’clock at night, another one is thinking about important questions of faith. looks at the differences and similarities. Farewell with candlelight and songs (Columbia) Photo: ENA Colombia Farewell with […]

August 21, 2015

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Church media through the ages is moving to new premises, well, actually the computers and servers are. The website can still be reached, but up to and including Monday we will be featuring our articles on and on We thought this was a good time to take you on a journey through the media landscape of the […]

July 30, 2015

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She has seen a lot—through the camera

A poster campaign has been underway in Germany in which brothers and sisters have been promoting the New Apostolic Church. Pictured this month is a true media professional, who has done a lot of public relations work for the Church: Nicole Ide (46), from the Hamburg-Lurup congregation in Germany. We spoke to her. A photo […]

July 29, 2015

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Spotlight 11: Spreading our “Joy in Christ”

Is our 2015 motto just a marketing slogan or is there more to it? This is a question posed by District Apostle Urs Hebeisen (South-East Asia), and he answers it in the same breath … Photo: NAC South East Asia Photo: NAC South East Asia Photo: NAC South East Asia Photo: NAC South East Asia […]

June 23, 2015

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At home around the world

Retirees, young people, musicians … The New Apostolic congregations are comprised of people of all ages and with various gifts and talents. Following is a quick look around the world. Yes to Jesus Christ: in ministry and suffering (USA) Photo: NAC USA Yes to Jesus Christ: in ministry and suffering (USA) Photo: NAC USA Yes […]

June 19, 2015

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Faith precedes the miracle

Which way leads to God? Miracles and signs? “In fact, things are completely different,” Chief Apostle Schneider said at the recent Day of the Youth in Northern Germany, “Without faith it just won’t work at all.” But that does not mean that we should not use our heads. Photo: Marcel Bock Photo: Marcel Bock Photo: […]

June 16, 2015

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Sharing what we experience

At times there is an enormous discrepancy between what is preached from the altar and what we experience. How do we deal with this? Following are some answers the Chief Apostle provided in a recent divine service. He also made it clear why it is so important to do what is right—and not only for […]

June 13, 2015

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The first visit of a Chief Apostle in Africa

Crawling through archives generates the sensation of adventure. But browsing through diaries and hitting on interesting pictures is something that can also be done online these days, for instance in the digital reading room of the central archives of the New Apostolic Church North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany. And we hit on something interesting: documents covering […]

June 10, 2015

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Development work not only in spiritual matters

One church, many cultures … This was only one of the aspects under which the New Apostolic Church—which is active in nearly all countries worldwide—presented itself at the Evangelical Church Convention in Stuttgart, the largest such gathering in Germany. On the agenda were not only spiritual topics, but also humanitarian aid and the promotion of […]

June 9, 2015
at home worldwide: music, christian dialogue, and an accident. the life of new apostolic christians around the globe is colourful. following is a brief look at two concerts, a dialogue of religions, and a freak accident in belgium … the coro italiano at the christmas market in stuttgart (germany) photo: nak süddeutschland the angklung orchestra of the nac indonesia at the concert of the […]. december 4, 2015
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european district apostles plant tree. the acer campestre, commonly called the field maple, was named as the tree of the year in germany. chief apostle jean-luc schneider and the european district apostles planted a young field maple at the conference of european district apostles taking place in zurich in switzerland. photo: oliver ruetten photo: photo: photo: oliver ruetten photo: oliver […]. november 14, 2015
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the cup that holds bread and wine. globalization even has an effect on liturgical implements. the communion cups used in our new apostolic congregations are globally sourced these days. one manufacturer from whom the church buys is in the state of tamil nadu in india. communion cups used in our congregations in the district of south-east asia photo: nac south east asia […]. november 3, 2015
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our understanding of ministry is being revised. “after the catechism is before the catechism …” this was the motto that accompanied the introduction of this fundamental reference work in december 2012. and driven by this motto, the district apostle meeting continues to work on fundamental concepts. currently in the district apostles’ focus is our concept of ministry. how do we understand ministry? […]. october 14, 2015
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invitation to the international youth convention in 2019. from 30 may to 2 june 2019 there will be a remake of the european youth day—this time with participants from around the world. “i hope to see many young people from all over the world in düsseldorf on ascension 2019,” chief apostle jean-luc schneider says. photo: ejt team photo: ejt team photo: ejt team […]. october 13, 2015
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international youth convention planned for 2019. “we can hardly imagine under what horrible circumstances many people have to live!” the chief apostle prayed at the beginning of the district apostles’ conference in johannesburg in south africa. afterwards there was much to discuss and to decide for the district apostles. photo: peter johanning photo: peter johanning photo: nac south east africa photo: […]. october 12, 2015
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“the ministry is so great and its bearer so small”. the gap between expectations and reality, between the ministry and its bearer … this field of tension made for some moving moments in the most recent divine service for ministers in europe: the chief apostle apologized. the minister as a servant of god and a servant of the congregation … that was the topic of […]. september 29, 2015
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at home around the world: of cans and bicycles. the lives of new apostolic christians also include some very simple, pragmatic things. a functioning bicycle, enough to eat … our members are there for one another and their fellow human beings. even over the past few days. this time, takes a look at africa and europe. collecting for a good cause: five tonnes […]. september 25, 2015
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at home around the world: clinic, collective, and catechism. the church is building a hospital, apostles are working on growing together, and young people are occupying themselves with the catechism—here is a look around the world from africa to europe to south america. health centre in zambia photo: nac zambia health centre in zambia photo: nac zambia health centre in zambia photo: nac zambia […]. september 18, 2015
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at home worldwide: young and old alike. while some are celebrating their diamond wedding others are just attending their very first day of the youth. while one goes to bed at ten o’clock at night, another one is thinking about important questions of faith. looks at the differences and similarities. farewell with candlelight and songs (columbia) photo: ena colombia farewell with […]. august 21, 2015
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church media through the ages. is moving to new premises, well, actually the computers and servers are. the website can still be reached, but up to and including monday we will be featuring our articles on and on we thought this was a good time to take you on a journey through the media landscape of the […]. july 30, 2015
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she has seen a lot—through the camera. a poster campaign has been underway in germany in which brothers and sisters have been promoting the new apostolic church. pictured this month is a true media professional, who has done a lot of public relations work for the church: nicole ide (46), from the hamburg-lurup congregation in germany. we spoke to her. a photo […]. july 29, 2015
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spotlight 11: spreading our “joy in christ”. is our 2015 motto just a marketing slogan or is there more to it? this is a question posed by district apostle urs hebeisen (south-east asia), and he answers it in the same breath … photo: nac south east asia photo: nac south east asia photo: nac south east asia photo: nac south east asia […]. june 23, 2015
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at home around the world. retirees, young people, musicians … the new apostolic congregations are comprised of people of all ages and with various gifts and talents. following is a quick look around the world. yes to jesus christ: in ministry and suffering (usa) photo: nac usa yes to jesus christ: in ministry and suffering (usa) photo: nac usa yes […]. june 19, 2015
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faith precedes the miracle. which way leads to god? miracles and signs? “in fact, things are completely different,” chief apostle schneider said at the recent day of the youth in northern germany, “without faith it just won’t work at all.” but that does not mean that we should not use our heads. photo: marcel bock photo: marcel bock photo: […]. june 16, 2015
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sharing what we experience. at times there is an enormous discrepancy between what is preached from the altar and what we experience. how do we deal with this? following are some answers the chief apostle provided in a recent divine service. he also made it clear why it is so important to do what is right—and not only for […]. june 13, 2015
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the first visit of a chief apostle in africa. crawling through archives generates the sensation of adventure. but browsing through diaries and hitting on interesting pictures is something that can also be done online these days, for instance in the digital reading room of the central archives of the new apostolic church north rhine-westphalia in germany. and we hit on something interesting: documents covering […]. june 10, 2015
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development work not only in spiritual matters. one church, many cultures … this was only one of the aspects under which the new apostolic church—which is active in nearly all countries worldwide—presented itself at the evangelical church convention in stuttgart, the largest such gathering in germany. on the agenda were not only spiritual topics, but also humanitarian aid and the promotion of […]. june 9, 2015
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