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Holy Communion

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Pentecost 2012: Jean-Luc Schneider appointed Chief Apostle Helper
Zurich/Cologne. After many years, the New Apostolic Church once again has a Chief Apostle Helper. In the Pentecost service on 27 May 2012 in Cologne Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber appointed the French District Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider with this new commission. He will in future provide support to the Chief Apostle and also take on some of his travels. “The transition is to proceed in as continuous a manner as possible,” said the Chief Apostle. He himself is already looking toward his own retirement, he explained, and is working early to address the matter of his succession.
29 05 2012
Holy Communion

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The liturgy of the New Apostolic Church as of the first Sunday of Advent 2010
Zurich. The liturgy is what orders and governs the sequence of music, prayers, Bible readings, the sermon, and the dispensation of the sacraments within the divine service. With the start of the new church year, a reform will come into effect (we reported) in the New Apostolic Church. The celebration of Holy Communion in particular is to be structured in even more dignified fashion through the enriched liturgical elements. Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber, the international Church leader, explained that the new liturgy is intended to bring greater solemnity to the sequence of the divine service.
03 11 2010
Holy Communion

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Extended liturgy of the New Apostolic Church still to be introduced this year
Zurich. An extended liturgy will be introduced in the international New Apostolic Church with the start of the new Church year. In a letter to all the Church’s ministers the international Church leader, Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber, designated the first Sunday of Advent as the starting point of this new development. In the letter he states that it is his wish to notify the ministers of this change already at this early point in time.
16 06 2010
Holy Communion

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The creed of the New Apostolic Church has been revised
Zurich. As of today the ten Articles of Faith of the New Apostolic Church will appear in revised format. By commission of Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber, a Work Group has revised the New Apostolic creed. Concerning this, the international Church leader states: “On account of changes to some doctrinal statements, such as, for example, our understanding of Holy Baptism, a revision had become necessary.” The Chief Apostle goes on to mention that a more specific formulation had become necessary in many of these statements. The basic structure of the Articles of Faith remains unchanged however.
21 05 2010
Holy Communion

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Closing divine service in Düsseldorf: “What is the prime focus of your life?”
Düsseldorf. Some 46,000 people, most of them young people between the ages of 14 and 30, attended the concluding divine service of the European Youth Day 2009 sponsored by the New Apostolic Church. “What is the prime focus of your life? What is your top priority?” asked the international Church leader, Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber, as he addressed the large crowd assembled around him in the LTU-Arena. His four responses to this question were: to please the Lord, to serve the Lord, to serve as a blessing for others, and finally to participate in the day of Christ’s return.
25 05 2009
Holy Communion

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Pentecost 2008: Recognising the signature of God
Berlin. For three days over the Pentecost weekend of 2008, Berlin served as the “capital” of the New Apostolic world. Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber had invited all European Apostles to the German capital for the occasion. In the Pentecost service, which was translated into English at the altar - and into 20 other languages via mixing board - he appealed to the over one million divine service participants to recognise the “signature of God” in the present. “Recognising the Lord personally is an important task for each and every individual,” said the Chief Apostle.
14 05 2008