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The apostolate just keeps on rolling along

09 01 2025

Author: Andreas Rother

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Ordinations, appointments, assignments, and retirements—there was a little bit of everything: the second half of the year 2024 included more than 40 ministerial acts within the circle of the Apostles. 

Leadership change in Switzerland 

After having served in ministry for some 48 years in total, District Apostle Jürg Zbinden was granted a well-deserved retirement last September. Apostle Thomas Deubel was appointed to succeed him as Church leader for the working area of Switzerland. The latter is now responsible for the brothers and sisters in Austria, Bulgaria, Cuba, the Czech Republic, Gibraltar, Hungary, Italy, Moldova, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Switzerland. Christophe Domenig was ordained as an Apostle for parts of Switzerland. 

Two new District Apostle Helpers

In recent months, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider assigned a District Apostle Helper for both the District Apostle areas of Canada and the Democratic Republic of Congo-West. Apostle Elie Tatien Mukinda Mudinganyi will henceforth assist District Apostle Michael Deppner in Central Africa. And Apostle Arnaud Martig is to become the successor to District Apostle Mark Woll. His working area includes Bangladesh, Cambodia, Canada, the Central African Republic, Chad, India, Nepal, Pakistan, the Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and Sri Lanka. 

Generational change among the Apostles 

In mid-July, a total of five Apostles were retired In the Democratic Republic of Congo-Southeast, namelySymphorien Mutombo, Gaston Ndaye, Médard Mbayo, Jean Sanki,

and Paul Batakila. In that same divine service, the Chief Apostle went on to ordain eight new Apostles for this District Apostle area. Their names are: Mujing Remy Mutond, Cibwayi Michel Sebwila, Muamba Ben Sabue, Badibanga Samuel Tshinsambi, Kabunda Bernard Katende, Mako Joseph Mutamba, Mwitwa Dominique Kapesha, and Musuyi Felecien Ilunga.

In the neighbouring working area of the Democratic Republic of Congo-West, Apostle Frederick Makaya Mbungu was retired from ministry and Philippe Kiakuma Nsukula was ordained an Apostle. 

There was also a change in Ghana: Moses Otchere-Ayarkwa retired from active service in the Apostle ministry as scheduled, while Patrick Konadu Yiadom took up the ministry in his place. In Guinea, the congregations can likewise celebrate the ordination of Jacques Tolno. In addition, Ganpat Singh was ordained an Apostle in India.

Mozambique now has two new Apostles as well, namely Fernando Domingos and Dias Paulo Tesoura. In Nigeria, Emmanuel Adeyemi was ordained to the Apostle ministry, while Geoffrey Odinakachi Nwogu was retired. 

In Southern Germany, it was Hans-Jürgen Bauer who retired from ministry, while Volker Keck was ordained as a new Apostle for the area.

A rather more extensive generational change has taken place in Tanzania: Apostles Joseph Celestine, George Epimack Chitemo, and Jani Leonard Malila have retired from ministry, and the newly ordained Apostles for the region are Nico Esili Mahenge, Adson Ngalinda Stewart, John Yonathan Mwedugo, and Cosmas John Maguhwa. 

The same pattern of one Apostle retiring and a new one taking his place also applied to two other African countries: In Togo, it was Sédjro Kodjo Amevo who concluded his active service as an Apostle, while François Esse Yovo took his place in the Apostle ministry. And in Uganda, Pius Bitayi retired from active service in ministry as scheduled, while George William Odwori assumed the Apostle ministry in his place.

09 01 2025

Author: Andreas Rother
