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The creed of the New Apostolic Church has been revised

21 05 2010

Author: Peter Johanning

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Zurich. As of today the ten Articles of Faith of the New Apostolic Church will appear in revised format. By commission of Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber, a Work Group has revised the New Apostolic creed. Concerning this, the international Church leader states: “On account of changes to some doctrinal statements, such as, for example, our understanding of Holy Baptism, a revision had become necessary.” The Chief Apostle goes on to mention that a more specific formulation had become necessary in many of these statements. The basic structure of the Articles of Faith remains unchanged however.

Already for some time, the District Apostle Meeting, under the chairmanship of the Chief Apostle, has been discussing the New Apostolic creed, and has now ratified the current format. The most important changes include:

  • The first three Articles of Faith now correspond more closely to the “Apostolicum” which is highly respected among the Christian churches. This adaptation makes it clear that we share fundamental convictions with other Christians.

  • In the Fourth Article of Faith, greater emphasis has been placed on the fact that it is Jesus Christ who rules His church. He is to be regarded as the source of all things, including the sending of the Apostles.

  • The Fifth Article of Faith summarises our doctrinal understanding with regard to the other ministries.

  • The Sixth Article of Faith presents our new understanding of Holy Baptism with water. It is “the first step to the renewal of the inner man in the Holy Spirit,” and establishes our fellowship with God as well as the fellowship of Christians among one another.

  • The Seventh and – to an even greater degree – the Eighth Articles of Faith precisely describe our doctrinal understanding of the remaining sacraments, namely Holy Communion and Holy Sealing. Holy Sealing – in connection with Holy Baptism with water – imparts the childhood in God and opens the way for a human being to be counted among the firstlings who will be accepted by Christ at His return.

  • The Ninth Article of Faith explains the future hope of New Apostolic Christians in greater detail. It makes clear that God’s plans do not come to an end at the Last Judgement, and goes on to include the prospect of the new creation. There have also been some further linguistic clarifications.

  • The Tenth Article of Faith remains unchanged.

After today’s divine service, a letter from the Chief Apostle concerning the revised creed will be read out in all New Apostolic congregations around the world.

» The ten Articles of Faith of the New Apostolic Church

» More detailed explanations concerning the Articles of Faith

21 05 2010

Author: Peter Johanning
