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The four aspects of our 2025 motto 

18 02 2025

Author: Andreas Rother

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“It’s time to do good!” Our 2025 motto is far more than a moral appeal. It can only really be understood if we look ahead to the return of Christ. The Chief Apostle explained it this way.

“The divine service is intended to strengthen the hope in the imminent return of Christ and prepare the believers for the appearing of the Lord.” This statement from the Catechism (CNAC 12.1.5) made Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider listen up. 

He said, “For many Christians this is no longer an issue.” But: “Brothers and sisters, let us hold on to this faith! And that is the reason for our annual motto this year.” And that also means: “It is time that we prepare ourselves for the return of Christ today.”

This is what the Chief Apostle said in the divine service in St. Gallen in Switzerland on 5 January 2025 marking the beginning of the new year. The sermon was based on Galatians 6: 9–10. “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.”

Doing good for ourselves

What is good? “Anything that corresponds to the will of God is good. Anything that corresponds to the example of Jesus Christ is good,” the Chief Apostle said. This year too, let us behave like Jesus Christ in word, in deed, and in thought, and become more and more like Him.

Of course, all of this takes time, he said. “But we have no time! We are all so busy! Our minds are so busy! We have so much to hear and read and experience!” The Chief Apostle’s advice was: “Let us take the time to look inside ourselves. I want to have my future under control. That is how I want to be. That is what I want to do!  It is high time we took time for our salvation!”

Doing good for our children

“In this respect I have another appeal. This is a big concern of mine,” the Chief Apostle said. “It affects the parents, but also the whole family, the whole congregation. It is time that we do good things for our children.”

“The best we can do for them is to plant the gospel in their hearts. Because no matter what comes next, they will have a firm footing and a reliable guide in their lives.” The Chief Apostle said, “Who knows, if the seed does not germinate today, it might do so tomorrow. Let us not give up.”

Doing good to all people

“It is time to do good to our neighbour,” the Chief Apostle added. It’s time to do good to everyone. Why exactly? Once again, this is not a moral appeal to be nice to each other.” Rather, “It is time to do good in the sense of the gospel.”

Jesus defined that very clearly. “Do to others what you would have them do to you.” But don’t wait for people to do this to you, the Chief Apostle said. Because then you are not living up to the example of Jesus Christ. He did good without calculation, without expecting any compensation.

Doing good in the congregation

And now we come to this strange final phrase: “… especially to those who are of the household of faith”. Does that mean that we should be kinder to the brothers and sisters in our congregation because they are New Apostolic, because they are children of God? This can only be understood if one looks ahead to the return of Jesus, the Chief Apostle said.

“God wants to bring us back into fellowship with Him. He created a plan of redemption,” he explained. The next stage is the return of Christ. And then comes the kingdom of peace, where Jesus and His own will offer salvation to all human beings. So God’s priority now is: He wants to prepare these instruments today.

“That is why it is so important that we do good to our brother and our sister in the congregation now,” Chief Apostle Schneider said in conclusion. “In concrete terms that means helping them to remain faithful, comforting them, strengthening them, and supporting one another so that we can remain faithful and do the will of God.”

18 02 2025

Author: Andreas Rother
