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When children make a scene

26 08 2022

Author: Katrin Löwen

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Children in Ghana perform some theatre, a District Apostle celebrates six divine services in a single week in Argentina, and the members in the Philippines take delight at the visit of their District Apostle. Let’s take a trip around the world with the online magazine of the New Apostolic Church.

Theatre in Africa

The children of the congregation of Madina, Ghana performed a theatre piece following a divine service on 17 July. The subject of their play was the “Parable of the talents” from the Bible, which they presented to the congregation as a role play. Each of the children either assumed a role or accompanied the piece with a musical instrument, solo performance, or as part of the children’s choir. The objective was to show their listeners that, as Christians, we are all called, and that we all have a special responsibility: we are to use our gifts in order to bring glory and honour to God.

The children in Guinea likewise performed a bit of theatre. More than 500 children had gathered for a children’s service in the congregation of N’zérékoré and listened spellbound to the words of their Apostle Tamba Sosso Wolle Millimouno. The latter used a Bible text from Luke 18: 16 as the basis of his sermon: “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them, for of such is the kingdom of God.” The intent was to demonstrate the significance of children for their families and for the Church. At the close of the divine service, the children performed theatre skits to act out various stories from the Bible. In so doing they also brought joy to their parents, who had likewise been invited for this special occasion.

On 9 August, New Apostolic sisters gathered together in Tafelsig, South Africa to mark National Women’s Day. Una Rhoode had sent out invitations to an event focusing on mental illness and the problems faced by women in particular. She had also arranged to have a number of speakers attend: two psychologists were on hand to explain mental illness, a social worker gave a presentation on the importance of mental health for children, and two of our sisters related their very own personal experiences. The COVID-19 pandemic had placed a particular burden on many women because they had had to take on full responsibility for the care of their children or had even been exposed to violence at home. Sister Claudette Ruiters emphasised that, while one can certainly ask God for strength and help in such difficult situations, one should still seek the help of professionals. A children’s choir and two musicians paid special homage to the women by providing musical accompaniment to the programme.

A divine service a day in South America

District Apostle Enrique Eduardo Minio celebrated a total of six divine services in a single week. During his stay in Uruguay he covered some long distances in order to visit the brothers and sisters. For example, the congregation of Guayubirá in the Artigas district is some 500 kilometres away from the congregation of De Luque in the capital of Montevideo. District Apostle Minio visited the two congregations on Sunday, 17 July and on Wednesday, 20 July, respectively. The Saturday before that, namely 16 July, he went to visit the members in Achar in the Tacuarembó district. From De Luque, the District Apostle drove together with Apostle Herman Ernst, who accompanied him for two divine services, the first of which took place on Thursday, 21 July in Santa Catalina. That trip was not as long, since the this congregation is also located in the capital city of Montevideo. On Saturday, 23 July, the District Apostle then held a divine service in the congregation of La Palmita in the Canelones district, before concluding his trip to Uruguay with a divine service on Sunday, 24 July in Porvenir, which is also in Montevideo.

Acts of blessing in Asia

Members in the Philippines likewise rejoiced over the visit of their District Apostle. For two and a half years already, District Apostle Edy Isnugroho had not been able to visit the island of Luzon as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The District Apostle began his seven-day trip in the north, accompanied by Apostle Samuel Handojo Tansahtikno and Bishop Armando Cao. There he visited the congregations of Basagan, Carolina, Siembre, Vergana, and Lucena. In the south of the island, the District Apostle and his companions brought joy to the brothers and sisters of the congregations of Isabela, Magrafil, and Makati. In addition, the members were delighted by some acts of blessing. For example, the District Apostle ordained two new Deacons in Magrafil, and appointed a new rector for the congregation of Basagan. Beyond that, a total of 36 believers were able to receive the sacrament of Holy Sealing.

Open churches in Europe

Visiting a church at night—that was precisely what believers of various denominations in Germany and Austria organised under the motto “Night of open churches”. On 24 June, many churches in the city of Kassel, Germany opened up their doors. The event was organised by the Association of Christian Churches in Kassel, in which the New Apostolic Church has also been active with guest status since 2021. A total of 38 churches, among them two New Apostolic congregations, offered musical programmes and other activities, as well as snacks and many opportunities for discussion.

In Vöcklabruck, Austria, groups of Catholic, Protestant, and New Apostolic Christians strolled together through the churches of the city. The New Apostolic Church likewise opened up its doors to the city’s pilgrims that evening, and delighted them with a brief sermon and some music performed by the congregation’s regular choir and the children’s choir. The churches of the other denominations likewise organised spiritual presentations and music. To close the evening, the participants joined together in some Taizé hymns in the village church.

26 08 2022

Author: Katrin Löwen
