Reports of divine services, doctrinal subjects, or a section for children—everybody will find something in community that interests them.
There is a close look at the subject of election: “You have not been chosen to be saved while everyone else will be lost. You have been called to serve the Lord and humankind.” This is what Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider writes in the editorial of the latest issue. That means: serving God out of love and doing our share so that everybody can get to know Him.
Long or short articles
Anyone who has a penchant for doctrinal subjects can dig into the essay on euthanasia and palliative care. There you will also find the answer to the question of what the Church’s position is on this.
Those who like to read the full-length version of the Chief Apostle’s services can occupy themselves with the sermon he conducted in Calgary in Canada. He makes a point of mentioning our annual motto, whose sentiments are just as important in July as at any other time.
This issue also features three summarised service reports of the Chief Apostle’s visits to Colombo in Sri Lanka, Nairobi in Kenya, and Prague in the Czech Republic.
Some like a bit of everything
The Children’s Corner starts on page 16. This time there is the story of Cain and Abel to read aloud or to read yourself. And Aubrey from Palatine in the USA tells us about herself and her country, and introduces her family.
And then there is a kaleidoscope of interesting tidbits from around the world—something not to be missed. We are given insight into the congregational life of brothers and sisters all over the world.
Anyone who would like to know what changes there were in the circle of the Apostles in the latter half of the past year, can find all the facts and figures on pages 30–31: ordinations, retirements, and deaths.
community was launched by the New Apostolic Church International in 2015 in English, French, and Spanish. Translations into additional languages are co-ordinated by the Regional Churches. A print edition is published in countries where there is no or only limited internet access. On nac.today it is featured as a digital edition and in numerous languages.
Photo: NAC Sierra Leone