A king enters into Jerusalem on a donkey colt. A paradox? No, the Palm Sunday service will show the greatness of God.
Don’t miss it. This Sunday we will celebrate Palm Sunday. If you cannot go to your local church, you can find links on nac.today to online services in different countries, languages, and time zones.
Palm Sunday? What was that again? Right, Jesus made a grand entrance in Jerusalem on a donkey, showing how great God is. On a donkey? Why not on a stallion like a true ruler? Because horses are used for war and Jesus came as the Prince of Peace. The joy of the people was great. They cheered Him like a star and expected that He would save them. And this is exactly what He did, but differently than they expected…
Live streams on Sunday, 10 April 2022
- Angola, Portuguese, https://bit.ly/nac_ang
- Berlin-Brandenburg, Germany, https://bit.ly/nac_bbrb-reg
- Canada, English, French, https://bit.ly/nac_ca
- East Africa, English, https://bit.ly/nac_ea
- France, French, https://bit.ly/nac_fra
- Equatorial Guinea , Spanish, https://bit.ly/nac_gui
- Hungary, Hungarian, https://bit.ly/nac_hu ***
- Italy, Italian, https://bit.ly/nac_it *
- Japan, Japanese, https://bit.ly/nac_jp
- Lithuania, Lithuanian, https://bit.ly/nac_lit
- Moldova, Moldavian, https://bit.ly/nac_ro57
- Netherlands, Dutch, https://bit.ly/nac_nl
- Nigeria, English, French, https://bit.ly/nac_nig
- Northern and Eastern Germany , German, https://bit.ly/nac_neg
- Austria, German, https://bit.ly/nac_at *
- Portugal, Portuguese, https://bit.ly/nac_pt
- DR Congo South-East, French, https://bit.ly/nac_cse
- DR Congo West , French, https://bit.ly/nac_drcw
- Romania, Romanian, http://bit.ly/nac_ro57
- Russia, Russian, https://bit.ly/nac_ru
- Switzerland, German, https://bit.ly/nac_ch_de **
- Switzerland, French, https://bit.ly/nac_ch_fr ****
- Switzerland, Italian, https://bit.ly/nac_it *
- South America, Spain, https://bit.ly/nac_sam
- South America, Portuguese, https://bit.ly/nac_sam_pt
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- Western Germany, Germany, https://bit.ly/nac_wg
- Western Pacific, English, https://bit.ly/nac_wp2
- Zambia, English, https://bit.ly/nac_zam
Digital library of the New Apostolic Church
The New Apostolic Church International has an extensive digital library with clips from divine services by Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider and musical events from recent years on https://nac.today, as well as on its English, Spanish, French, and German YouTube channels.
- New Apostolic Church International, English, https://bit.ly/naci_en
- Iglesia Nueva Apostólica Internacional, Español, https://bit.ly/naci_es
- Eglise néo-apostolique Internationale, Français, https://bit.ly/naci_fr
- Neuapostolische Kirche International, Deutsch, https://bit.ly/naci_de