God loves all human beings and God wants to save every single one. So what does He need believers for? A divine service packed with Christian basics, a little poetry, and above all pure joy.
“For mankind in captivity to sin, redemption means returning into the fellowship of God. The doctrine that salvation is also possible for the departed is guaranteed and illustrated in the New Testament,” it says about the divine service this coming Sunday, which is to attune us to the service for the departed that will take place the Sunday after, in which New Apostolic Christians remember the dead.
The Catechism of the New Apostolic Church describes this belief in detail: “Hope in the resurrection of the dead has always been a fundamental component of Christian teaching. Associated with it is also the conviction that intercessions for the dead are necessary, and that these intercessions will have an effect on them. The same is true for the dispensation of sacraments for the dead” (CNAC 9.6.).
New Apostolic Christians intercede for the dead: they ask God to help those souls who have entered the beyond unredeemed. The divine service in preparation of the actual service for the departed is celebrated in all congregations worldwide.
Live streams on Sunday, 28 February 2021
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* daswort / dreiineinz, ** daswort / vierineinz, *** 4445551196 / 703315, **** lemot / ena2020
Digital library of the New Apostolic Church
The New Apostolic Church International has an extensive digital library with clips from divine services by Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider and musical events from recent years on https://nac.today, as well as on its English, Spanish, French, and German YouTube channels.
- Neuapostolische Kirche International, Deutsch, https://bit.ly/naci_de
- New Apostolic Church International, English, https://bit.ly/naci_en
- Iglesia Nueva Apostólica Internacional, Español, https://bit.ly/naci_es
- Eglise néo-apostolique Internationale, Français, https://bit.ly/naci_fr