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In word and deed and a good dose of humour
He was a man of words and action. Who this was? District Apostle Karl Kühnle. Today he would have been one hundred years old. Today we pay tribute to a Swabian who set out to bring his faith to Africa, Eastern Europe, and the Arabian Peninsula.
14 02 2023

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How a pioneer drew attention to his cause
It is 1972: a tall man in a black suit sits in the park and waits. At some point someone comes up to talk to him. Their conversation marks the beginning of the New Apostolic Church in the Philippines. Today our members there look back on fifty years of Church history while also looking forward to the anniversary celebration.
11 10 2022

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Changes in the circle of the Apostles (1/2022)
Thanks to relaxed Covid restrictions, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider was once again able to travel and perform retirements and ordinations himself in the last six months. A District Apostle also went into retirement. Now there is one less District Apostle Area worldwide.
06 07 2022