…I am there with them. This is what Jesus promises all those who take part in a divine service—whether online or in person in their congregation.
“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” This Bible verse from Matthew 18: 20 was often cited during the pandemic because it also includes those following the divine service online or by telephone from their sofa, the dining table, or from some other spot in the house.
All those gathered are part of the large congregation, each in the language and at the time that suits him or her.
Live streams on Sunday, 14 August 2022
- Angola, Portuguese, https://bit.ly/nac_ang
- Canada, English, French, https://bit.ly/nac_ca1
- East Africa, English, https://bit.ly/nac_ea
- France, French, https://bit.ly/nac_fra
- Equatorial Guinea, Spanish, https://bit.ly/nac_gui
- Hungary, Hungarian, https://bit.ly/nac_hu ***
- Italy, Italian, https://bit.ly/nac_it *
- Japan, Japanese, https://bit.ly/nac_jp
- Lithuania, Lithuanian, https://bit.ly/nac_lit
- Moldova, Moldavian, https://bit.ly/nac_ro76
- Netherlands, Dutch, https://bit.ly/nac_nl2
- Nigeria, English, French, https://bit.ly/nac_nig
- Northern and Eastern Germany, German, https://bit.ly/nac_neg
- Austria, German, https://bit.ly/nac_at *
- Portugal, Portuguese, https://bit.ly/nac_pt
- DR Congo South-East, French, https://bit.ly/nac_cse
- DR Congo West, French, https://bit.ly/nac_drcw
- Romania, Romanian, http://bit.ly/nac_ro76
- Russia, Russian, https://bit.ly/nac_ru
- Switzerland, German, https://bit.ly/nac_ch_de **
- Switzerland, French, https://bit.ly/nac_ch_fr ****
- Switzerland, Italian, https://bit.ly/nac_it *
- South America, Spanish, https://bit.ly/nac_sam
- South America, Portuguese, https://bit.ly/nac_sam_pt
- South East Asia, Bahasa, English, https://bit.ly/nac_seas
- Southern Africa, English, https://bit.ly/nac_saf4
- Spain, Spanish, https://bit.ly/nac_spa *
- Ukraine, Ukrainian, https://bit.ly/nac_uk
- USA, English, Spanish, https://bit.ly/nac_usa
- Western Germany, Germany, https://bit.ly/nac_wg
- Western Pacific, English, https://bit.ly/nac_wp2
- Zambia, English, https://bit.ly/nac_zam
Digital library of the New Apostolic Church
The New Apostolic Church International has an extensive digital library with clips from divine services by Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider and musical events from recent years on https://nac.today, as well as on its English, Spanish, French, and German YouTube channels.
- New Apostolic Church International, English, https://bit.ly/naci_en
- Iglesia Nueva Apostólica Internacional, Español, https://bit.ly/naci_es
- Eglise néo-apostolique Internationale, Français, https://bit.ly/naci_fr
- Neuapostolische Kirche International, Deutsch, https://bit.ly/naci_de