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community 4/2023: Trust in the gift of the Holy Spirit
Reliving the events surrounding the feast of Pentecost—that is the aim of the latest edition of community. The current issue focuses on this central divine service and the activities associated with it. And naturally there are all sorts of other interesting things to discover as well.
02 10 2023
Africa Ascension Day

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community 3/2023: Discovering a whole world between the lines
A world trip without an airplane? You don’t even have to leave home for it. Let the new issue of community show you around. Following in the footsteps of the Chief Apostle and their brothers and sisters in faith, readers can once again travel the world—from the sofa or from the pew after the divine service, wherever they choose to read the magazine.
03 07 2023
Australia / Pacific

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community 2/2023: The joy of fellowship
Church life, doctrinal aspects, and a children’s corner… the latest issue of the community magazine is jam-packed with exciting topics. This edition of the magazine takes its readers to Brazil and South Africa, among other places, and it features the full-text version of the divine service in which the Chief Apostle explained our motto for 2023.
01 04 2023

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community 1/2023: Some things new plus some tried and true for the new year
Yes, the concept is already a little older now: the member magazine known as community has already been around for eight years. Nevertheless, it is not yet long in the tooth by any means, and still contains a great deal of new and valuable material. As usual, there is a lot of exciting content to discover in the latest issue.
02 01 2023
Chief Apostle

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don't miss

“All I wanted was to find some peace”
What moves people to decide to take their own life? This was a question that spirit magazine put to three people who have been directly affected by the subject of suicide. A few days after World Suicide Prevention Day, here are their responses.
30 09 2021
Profile Congregation

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“Every human being is loved by God”
To live or let die? No one takes a decision of such gravity lightly, especially when it comes to unborn life. Here is the New Apostolic Church’s position on abortion.
06 04 2022
Pastoral care Society

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“Here I am, in just the right place”
“Live your life in such a way that others ask you about your beliefs.” This is what Miriam Rudolph from Hanover in Germany would like, both personally and professionally. And that is what she stands for on thousands of posters.
17 03 2020
Congregation Youth

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