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Is God’s plan good for us?
God is not there to make life difficult for us. On the contrary, He does more good for us than we realise—sometimes even through trials. Are you wondering how this can work? The Chief Apostle recently shed some light on this question.
19 03 2025
Africa Chief Apostle

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Divine service: a part of life
“It’s time to do good!” This year’s motto is especially important for our children. Because for them too it is all about salvation. How can we teach our children the importance of our divine services? Here are some tips—and not just for parents.
17 03 2025

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A fast with a pleasant aftertaste
First comes Mardi Gras—the Tuesday preceding Lent (also known as Shrove Tuesday)—then Ash Wednesday, and then Lent: a period that stretches all the way to Easter on the calendar. It is not about food deprivation per se, but primarily about introspection, a deeper look into one’s own heart.
04 03 2025

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Old truths expose new tricks
How do you deal with tempting offers and insinuations? Jesus’ temptations in the desert show how we can deal with them. The episode demonstrates the power of the word of God.
03 03 2025
Bible study

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Enveloped by mercy
God’s mercy is often cited and extolled, but how does this divine attribute manifest itself? And how do we respond to it? This is what the five Sunday services in March will explore.
27 02 2025

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Language, the mother of understanding?
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21 02 2025

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Apostle ministry: the need for it
It starts with a shortage: in the congregation, the district, or the Regional Church. These things must be dealt with, along similar lines as in the Acts of the Apostles. This is explained in part eight of the panel discussion at the 2019 International Youth Convention.
08 02 2025

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Heavenly perspective
What does it mean to be a citizen of heaven? The Chief Apostle put the focus on eternal fellowship with God and the return of Jesus Christ. A path that leads to perfection and culminates in ministering to others.
29 01 2025
Chief Apostle

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don't miss

“Felix Austria”: lucky Austria makes music
The stalls, the boxes, the lower and upper galleries … the Vienna Concert Hall was filled to the last seat. “We invite you to have an encounter with Jesus through music,” Franz Jochum, the musical director and conductor, said to the audience at the beginning of the concert.
03 06 2017
Pentecost Congregation

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