Jesus knows every human being

“Jesus knows you.” This is a familiar thought. But what this really means can be quite amazing. Here is a closer look at needs, limits, potential, and motives.

Jesus calls Philip to follow Him. He in turn invites Nathanael to come along. And it is Nathanael who experiences a true revelation. This is how John 1: 48–49 describes it: “Nathanael said to Him, ‘How do You know me?’ Jesus answered and said to him, ‘Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.’ Nathanael answered and said to Him, ‘Rabbi, You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!’”

These verses were the basis of a divine service which the Chief Apostle conducted in Jakarta, Indonesia, on 7 May 2023.

Yesterday and today

“Jesus Christ is our Lord. He knows us. Jesus Christ knew us before He called us,” Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider began the sermon. Each one has been called in a different way. Some were born into a devout family. Others found their way to the faith by themselves. “But the result is always the same,” the Chief Apostle said. Because Jesus said, “You have not chosen Me, I have chosen you.” And that means that Jesus chose and called you because He knows you and loves you.

Conditions and needs

“Jesus knows your life and your circumstances,” the Chief Apostle pointed out. “He cares about what happens to you seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. Nothing is too small for Him to not notice or care.

“He knows your needs, your material needs and your spiritual needs.” That is not always the case in human relations, he continued. Often people offer help and solutions where all that is really needed is a little kindness and someone to lend an ear. Jesus Christ knows exactly what you need. And He will provide what you need.

Why pray then? The Chief Apostle’s response was threefold: as a sign of our trust in God, to show Him that we are completely dependent on Him, and as an opportunity to fix our priorities. “That’s why it is important that we pray.” And if our priorities match Jesus’ priorities, He will give us what we ask for.“

Limitations and potential

The Chief Apostle said that Jesus Christ also knows our limitations. God knows that human beings are sinners—it is our nature. And He does not reproach us for this. What He does reproach us for is if our faith is too weak or our love is not great enough. But He offers us His help to strengthen our faith and increase our love.

Sometimes people have to take a detour on their course through life. The Chief Apostle said: “If He leads you this way, it’s just to avoid a problem. He wants to spare you from getting into a situation where you could no longer be saved.”

Jesus also knows your potential: “When He asks you to do something, He knows that you are capable of doing it. Sure, not alone. With His help. With the help of your brothers and sisters in faith. But you can do it if you want to.”

Motivation and action

Jesus looks at the heart. “He looks at our faith and our love. And He only blesses what we have done out of faith and love.” Sure, people can be a blessing to others even if their motives were wrong. But it will not serve as a blessing for themselves.

“His blessing is a spiritual one. Those who are blessed because of their faith and love have peace and joy in their hearts. And they experience the presence of God.” If this is lacking we should perhaps examine ourselves and our motivations, the Chief Apostle suggested.

Weaknesses and sanctification

“Jesus also knows the weaknesses of His servants. But He sanctifies them,” the Chief Apostle said. So trust Him, He can give you what you need for salvation even through imperfect human beings, he urged.

The Chief Apostle drew the following conclusion: “God called us personally to lead us into His kingdom. He cares about us and provides for our needs. He knows what we are capable of. He blesses the work of our love. He sanctifies His servants.”

Article info


Andreas Rother
Indonesia, Chief Apostle, Divine service