Spotlight 10/2020: Those who want to be free must allow themselves to be freed

What are people held captive by? If we know, it is only a small step to freedom through Christ. For only then can His nature unfold in us. Here are some answers from District Apostle Michael Ehrich from Southern Germany.

When we speak about freedom, we should first of all understand what we can be captivated by and what we want to be liberated from. For this is a kind of captivity that has nothing to do with an earthly prison. For example, we could be

  • ensnared in the constant struggle for more and more earthly wealth, success, status, power, and so on. This rat race leaves no time for the important things: our preparation for eternal life.
  • caught up in our own ideas and conceptions. They are predominant so that one is not prepared to live according to the commandments and to avoid what does not correspond to God’s will.
  • doing time in the prison of fears and cares. Because of our difficulties and problems we do not respond to the exhortation to be consistent in our discipleship.
  • bound by complacency or arrogance so that we cannot find the path to humility and the fear of God. In the prison of our own self, the focus for God’s good deeds upon us and the will to be grateful might also be missing.
  • entangled by thoughts and influences which block the gospel. Those who are completely caught up in self-centredness and self-realisation do not open themselves to the love of God and do not have a heart for their neighbour.

Jesus Christ can free us from all of this through His sacrifice and merit. By making us free, Christ’s nature can unfold within us. Then we are free

  • to grow in love for God, for one another, and for our neighbour;
  • and ready to serve Him, to help along in our congregations, and to help one another;
  • to put Him at the centre of our lives and to model our lives on His gospel.

At His return, He will free us for eternal fellowship with God and for His glory.

Photo: NAK Süddeutschland

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Michael Ehrich