“A District Apostle for everyone and very approachable”

After 48 years in ministry and five years as a District Apostle, Jürg Zbinden will retire next Sunday. He enjoyed being there for his brothers and sisters and will continue to be active on the foundation board of the NAK-Humanitas aid organisation. More

Apostle ministry: the different notions

The New Testament recognises at least two different types of Apostles, if not more. What does this mean for the Apostle ministry of today? Answers from a panel discussion at the International Youth Convention 2019, part 3. More

There is room for everyone in church

Everyone is welcome, whether sick or healthy, young or old: the doors of our church are wide open. Shaping the church is something that can be done together. Here are examples from the New Apostolic world. More

What God meant them to be

‌Being a minister in Guyana is challenging because you have to be so many things all at the same time. Not only a preacher and a counsellor, but also a teacher and a builder and you have to know your way around boats. The congregations in Wakapau and Akawini in Guyana, on the northern coast of South America, built their own churches. More

Lightening one another’s burdens

“This divine service is a service for our congregation,” the Chief Apostle said. “Your congregation and my congregation. The subject is love among us, among New Apostolic Christians.” More

Always at your fingertips: nac apps

With nac apps at your fingertips your quest for answers is a thing of the past. The New Apostolic Church provides timely answers to concrete questions such as, what is our teaching, what’s new, where is the nearest church? More

In the picture (3): communication is essential

A photographer’s first duty? To talk! Something he should do long before he pushes the button on his camera in a divine service. Speaking with the people involved helps everyone and opens up new possibilities. So what’s important? More

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