Gaining victories — over evil (1/6)

What this means for everyday life and how Christians deal with the truth, sincerity, and a lack of love was explained by Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider in a divine service on 3 January 2016.

Fighting evil and overcoming fear and our own weaknesses are the tasks for New Apostolic Christians in the coming year. At the beginning of the year, the Chief Apostle issued the annual motto for 2016: Victory with Christ.

In the first divine service of the new year the Chief Apostle spoke about how we can put the motto into practice. When Christians fight against evil it means that they are sincere at all times and keep the commandments of God—regardless of whether we are the only ones who adopt such an attitude in a given situation.

Photo: Jessica Krämer

Article info


Daniel Mauthe, Oliver Rütten
moto 2016; Victory with Christ