Addiction: the gateway to beating it

“Coming clean” is the name of a programme of the New Apostolic Church Southern Africa to assist those struggling with addiction. Today, 26 June, is the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.

“Addiction Talk” is the name of a series of videos. ‌The clips were produced by Masakhe Foundation and NAC TV, the aid organisation and broadcaster of the New Apostolic Church Southern Africa.

The individual episodes cover the topics “What is addiction?”, “Types of addiction”, “Assisting the addict”, “The role of the family”, “Warning signs of addiction”, and “Healing the family”. In the coming months, we will feature the series on

‌To mark World Drug Day, we present an introductory overview. The official name of World Drug Day is International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. It was proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1987.

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Andreas Rother
Aid agencies, Social commitment