Worthwhile investments

It is more blessed to give than to receive, the Bible tells us—something many practise. A look across the continents shows that many people give gladly of what they have, be it gifts and talents, time, or money. And it always creates joy and gratitude.

South-East Asia: Joy to the neighbours

“Joy to the world” kicked off the outdoor Christmas carol programme organised by the Hong Kong Congregation at a nearby restaurant following their service on the third Sunday of Advent. They sang Christmas carols accompanied by guitar and angklung, read Bible verses, and distributed information about the New Apostolic Church. They also distributed invitations to interested shopkeepers, customers, and residents for the upcoming services on the 23rd and 25th of December, and had many good conversations.

South America: Backpacks for schoolchildren

The Dutch charity Stichting Corantijn has been collecting school supplies for a project called “Back to School 2018”. A total of 610 filled backpacks were donated. In the meantime, everything has been packed into boxes, 53 in number, and shipped off to Suriname. Another 27 boxes with extra school supplies for children are ready and still waiting to be shipped.

The charity is delighted about people’s generosity before Christmas. “It is great that everyone has worked so hard to give the children in Suriname a chance to get an education. We thank all donors also in their name.”

Africa: New ministers

On his trip to Africa in December 2018, District Apostle Michael Ehrich visited the Surulere congregation in Nigeria, the first congregation to be established by Apostle Peter Gfeller in 1974. The District Apostle was in the company of all the Apostles and Bishops from Nigeria. In this service he ordained three District Elders and three District Evangelists for the districts East Central and North.

Europe: Donation for hospice work

Human-aktiv donated 20,000 euros to a hospice in the city of Stuttgart (Germany). Apostle Jürgen Loy, who is responsible for the church district of Stuttgart, presented the donation to the director of the hospice and the responsible dean.

“After a children’s and youth hospice was opened in Stuttgart, the hospice that cares for adults received less attention from donors”, the New Apostolic Church Southern Germany says, “resulting in a funding gap.” When Apostle Loy learned of this, he contacted the chairman of the hospice committee, Eckart Schultz-Berg.

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