Divine service aboard a bus

Christians normally celebrate divine services in churches or outside under a tree. But if they do not make it to church on time, they might even celebrate a divine service on a bus—as happened recently.nac.today looks at three continents.

Divine service aboard a bus (Indonesia)

Members from Jakarta in Indonesia were on their way to a divine service by bus. They wanted to celebrate the Ascension service in the congregation of Yogyakarta, a trip of 500 kilometres. But en route they were caught in traffic jam, and instead of the usual nine-hour trip it took them 22 hours. The District Elder celebrated the service on the bus.

Seminar, divine service, and wedding anniversary (Colombia)

District Apostle Leonard R. Kolb from the USA conducted a seminar for the leading ministers from the region of Bogotá in Colombia over the first weekend in May. More than 30 Evangelists, District Evangelists, and District Elders had gathered. Topics were, among others, future plans for the New Apostolic Church in Colombia as well as presentations on modesty and humility.

On Sunday the District Apostle celebrated a divine service with more than 300 people in the congregation of Tunjuelito, in the south of Bogotá. He sealed five souls and administered a blessing on Bishop Eduardo Rodriguez and his wife, Blanca, who were celebrating their fortieth wedding anniversary.

Two divine services in a row (Philippines)

Fifty German-speaking brothers and sisters gathered in our church in Makati (Philippines) on Pentecost to watch the broadcast of the Pentecost service that was held by Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider in Frankfurt (Germany) . Also there were the Apostles from the Philippines, as well as the Apostles Edy Isnugroho and Samuel Hadiwidagdo from Indonesia, and Fred Wolf from Thailand.

In the regular Sunday service that followed, the entire congregation gathered to celebrate their Pentecost service, which was held by District Apostle Urs Hebeisen.

Lions do not eat vegetarians: a musical for children (Germany)

The story which the 60 girls and boys told plays in ancient Babylon. The Bible reports about lions and a fiery furnace in the kingdom ruled by King Nebuchadnezzar some 2,500 years ago. These were methods used by the king to threaten those who did not worship him but who worshipped God. In the end they were not harmed.

The girls and boys aged 6 to 15 staged the musical in Brackenheim (Germany) twice and showed how those who believed in God proved their trust in Him in spite of the hopeless situation. The audience was delighted and rewarded the children with rapturous applause; they had rehearsed for 18 months.

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