Freedom in Christ: more than a ray of hope

Freedom. Where? When? How? The Chief Apostle and the District Apostles have explored the annual motto from all sides. Here are a few highlights from our Spotlight series to usher out the old year.

“There is no such thing as absolute and perfect freedom here on earth. This is something we can ultimately only receive when we are with God.” (District Apostle Rüdiger Krause,Northern and Eastern Germany)

“From what do we wish to be liberated? — Is it not from our own (often incorrect) opinions and views, from prejudice and knowing better, from our irreconcilability and cravings, from deficiencies in faith or superficiality? Indeed: we wish to be freed from all that which separates us from God.” (District Apostle Jürg Zbinden, Switzerland)

“Are we sometimes bound without realizing it? Do we think we are free only then to be rudely awakened to a new awareness through the prompting of the Holy Spirit?” (District Apostle John Kriel, Southern Africa)

“We are free to follow the gospel of Jesus Christ, free to serve our triune God and neighbour.” (District Apostle Mark Woll, Canada)

“Salvation, redemption, and freedom is certain for mankind through the worthy partaking of Holy Communion, the forgiveness of sins, the Apostle ministry, and the return of Christ.” (District Apostle Kububa Soko, Zambia/Malawi/Zimbabwe)

„“In order to see if we are free in Christ we must analyse our inner self and verify whether we truly love God and our neighbour” (District Apostle Enrique Minio, South America)

“In recognising and embracing His love, a soul begins to realise its purpose and the intent for which it was created.” (District Apostle Leonard R. Kolb, USA)

“Remaining in the freedom we received from Jesus is a daily fight.” (District Apostle Joseph Opemba Ekhuaya, East Africa)

“Through the rebirth out of water and the Spirit we have become children of God and are therefore called to be free.” (District Apostle Wolfgang Nadolny, Berlin-Brandenburg)

“By making us free, Christ’s nature can unfold within us.” (District Apostle Michael Ehrich, Southern Germany)

“Christ makes us free. He gave us His word. His word is the truth, and the truth of the gospel makes us free.” (District Apostle Rainer Storck, Western Germany)

“God only liberates those who want it.” (District Apostle Edy Isnugroho, South East Asia)

“It is not only a question of being free in the future. Christ has made us free and so we long to walk as those who are free until we can enter our eternal home.” (District Apostle Michael Deppner, Democratic Republic of Congo West)

“Liberty in Christ could sound like this: the commitment to want to do oneself something good.” (District Apostle Tshitshi Tshisekedi, Democratic Republic of Congo South-East)

“Mankind forfeited his life of total freedom in paradise in pursuit of perceived freedom only to find himself in a “box” in which egoism, individualism, and a complicated mindset prevail. ” (District Apostle Helper David Devaraj, India)

“The Holy Spirit can help us recognise conditions that limit our ability to grow in the nature of Jesus.” (District Apostle Helper John Fendt, USA)

“On the day of the Lord, nothing will bind the bridal congregation.” (District Apostle Helper Frank Dzur, Canada)

“As masters of our destiny, we continue to strive to the ultimate freedom: His kingdom and for eternal fellowship.” (District Apostle Helper John Sobottka, Canada)

“Christ knew what it was truly like to dwell with the Father and to be one with Him. That was true freedom to Him.” (District Apostle Peter Schulte, Western Pacific)

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Andreas Rother
International, motto