Starting the new church year together

On Sunday Christians around the world will celebrate the first Sunday of Advent. A time of special lights, being together, and extraordinary emotions.

Many things are different this year. This also applies to Advent and Christmas, which Christians normally celebrate with festive music, extra activities, and special divine services focusing on the birth of Jesus Christ and the anticipation of His return.

Many congregations in Europe have pooled their resources and have come up with ideas on how Advent and Christmas can be celebrated under coronavirus conditions. Some districts have even initiated virtual Christmas concerts. And all of us together can be sure that we will be able to join phone-in or online services over the festive season.

Live streams on Sunday, 27 November 2022

Digital library of the New Apostolic Church

The New Apostolic Church International has an extensive digital library with clips from divine services by Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider and musical events from recent years on, as well as on its English, Spanish, French, and German YouTube channels.

221127 Streaming Divine Services_EN.pdf Link
221127 Streaming Divine Services_DE.pdf Link
221127 Streaming Divine Services_FR.pdf Link
221127 Streaming Divine Services_ES.pdf Link

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Oliver Rütten
Media, Divine service