Register for the IYC 2019 now
The registration period for the International Youth Convention in the coming year has finally started. About 30,000 young people are expected at the exhibition grounds in the city of Düsseldorf (Germany). They will come from many countries to celebrate together for four days.
Registration was activated yesterday, 14 October 2018, bringing the IYC a little closer. From 30 May to 2 June 2019, IYC is marked on the calendar. IYC is the abbreviation for the International Youth Convention of the New Apostolic Church. District Apostle Rainer Storck, patron of the event, writes to his congregations: “In eight months, thousands of young Christians will be descending on Düsseldorf. The International Youth Convention at the end of May 2018 will be an outstanding event for the Church. Preparations are underway on many levels, and now we are taking another important step: as of now, you can register as a participant.”
Registration comes before participation
Now that registration has started, many questions as to when people can finally register will take care of themselves. For registration, the planning committee of the IYC has used the proven method of group registration, a method that the organisers of the 2009 European Youth Day already had good experiences with ten years ago. The principle is: registration is by groups via the congregations and church districts. Minors need the written consent of their parents.
A celebration for young people
The IYC 2019 is to be a celebration for young people. Invited are young believers between the ages of 14 and 35 years—irrespective of their marital status. The confirmands of the year 2020 are also welcome. At the same time, chaperones are welcome: the youth leaders with their partners, the confirmation teachers with their partners, the rectors and their representatives, as well as the district leaders, Bishops, and Apostles with their wives. They can all register now. And what about the many helpers? A separate registration for helpers will start in a few weeks.
Bring your friends
In his letter to the congregations, District Apostle Storck asks the members to support their young sisters and brothers so that everyone will be able to be in Düsseldorf. “Please invite all members in the congregation up to the age of 35 years, even those who have not attended divine services for a long time. And you, dear youth, I encourage to invite your friends. The International Youth Convention with its atmosphere is a great opportunity to profess your belief as Christians and to make your friends familiar with it.”
“Here I am” – a meaningful motto
The IYC app offers useful background information. It is available in English and German. The motto “Here I am” has already become a well-known slogan and is often used in youth events around the globe. Besides its biblical reference (for example in 1 Samuel 3: 4 or also Acts 9: 10), the motto signifies four essential aspects for the participants:
- “Here I am” – God says to me!
- “Here I am” – is my response to the call of God!
- “Here I am” – is my position!
- “Here I am” – shows my willingness to help along in my congregation!
Photo: Jessica Krämer
Article info
Peter Johanning
International Youth Convention 2019 (IYC),