community 2/2024: In conversation with God

The new issue of community is online. There are print and digital versions of the magazine in a number of languages. Featured are insights into the management of the Church, church life worldwide, and the teaching—for young and old.

For the young ones

Edwin is five years old and knows a lot about Belgium. Well, he lives there with his family. He tells the youngest readers of the Church magazine about his country, his congregation, and himself.

The magazine also offers young readers an illustrated story of Elijah, who, with God’s help, made sure that neither the flour in the pot nor the oil in the jug ran out at the widow’s house in Zarephath.

“Making the Church and our faith young” is the title of an article that talks about how children and young people live their faith. Readers can accompany young people in Nigeria, Germany, South Africa, and Spain and see what they have been up to in their congregations and outside the church. There was delight all around and the activities are therefore certainly worth imitating.

For those who are interested in the Church

There have been a number of changes at the leadership level of the Church in the past year. Two District Apostle Helpers were appointed as District Apostles in 2023, a new District Apostle Helper was assigned, and thirty Apostles were ordained. For those keen about organisational aspects of the Church, the magazine features some interesting information.

Anyone keen to find out what congregational life in other parts of the world is like will find what they are looking for in community under the heading Global News. Find out what makes cuddly toys on a motorbike a good cause. And Niklas from Germany takes the readers to Mexico, where not only the culture is completely different to what he was used to, but also congregational life. Niklas tells readers how he finds his way around and manages to live his faith despite there being very few churches in Mexico.

For avid readers

“Prayer works!” was the title of the first divine service at the beginning of the year and can be read in the second edition of community. On six pages, you can follow Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider as he unfolds the 2024 motto in the divine service in Basle, Switzerland.

The article on church doctrine deals with the question of whether God can change. In the Old Testament, God sometimes appears to be angry, whereas in the New Testament He shows Himself to be a God of love. What has changed is not His nature, but the way we see Him. The Chief Apostle explains what this means.

For those who don’t like to read

As in every issue of community, there are abridged versions of three divine services. This time, the Chief Apostle was in Bangladesh, Argentina, and Zambia. As always, there is a summary of the services at the end of the articles—for those who really only want to read the essential points.

For the super organised

As the leader of an international church, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider travels extensively. There is a list of the countries he will be visiting in the coming months on the magazine’s back cover.

community shqiptar (Albanian) 2024/02 Link
community الامارات العربية (Arab Emirates) 2024/02 Link
community հայերեն (Armenian) 2024/02 Link
community Hrvatska (Croatian) 2024/02 Link
community english (English) 2024/02 Link
community français (French) 2024/02 Link
community français (French/Benelux) 2024/02 Link
community ქართული (Georgian) 2024/02 Link
community Latvijas (Latvian) 2024/02 Link
community Lietuvos (Lithuanian) 2024/02 Link
community español (Spanish) 2024/02 Link

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