IYC preparations are in full swing
In just a little over five months from now the exhibition grounds in Düsseldorf will throw open their doors for the International Youth Convention 2019. What has been planned? Who is invited? Here is an overview.
Just recently, the IYC app was redesigned. Version 1.3 of the app is available for free download for iOS and Android devices. On the app as well as on the website www.ijt2019.org you can find information on the highlights of the four-day Ascension Day weekend. Answers about the internationality of the youth event are also given.
How international is it?
Most New Apostolic young people would like to be there. But for many a trip to Germany will remain an unattainable dream. Money is one of the issues. Expenses for anyone travelling from Africa, Asia, or Australia can quickly amount to a four-digit number. However, last year it became clear that money will by far not be the only obstacle when District Apostle Rainer Storck invited some young people from Angola—a country he looks after—to the Iberian Youth Day in Alicante (Spain). In an interview he describes the difficulties they experienced at the time.
Volunteers needed
Up to 3,000 volunteers will be needed to make the International Youth Convention run smoothly and allow the invited young people to enjoy the event without any disruptions. Since December 2018 helpers can register for the International Youth Convention 2019. Those who register as volunteers need to be available on all four days of the event, must be in good physical condition, and be willing to work shifts. Work hours can vary daily, depending on the tasks. That means individual times or rotating shifts (a 6.5 hour shift followed by 11.5 hours free time, possibly with a night shift). Volunteers must be of age on 30 May 2019.
Event schedule
The programme is beginning to take shape. Numerous work and project groups are busy planning the various events. An open survey was conducted beforehand to determine which topics and specific programme items should be included. Its aim was that as many young people as possible contribute their own ideas and abilities to the event. An outline of the programme to date:
- Ascension Day, 30 May 2019 at 6 p.m.: opening divine services in a number of languages in the exhibition halls.
- Friday, 31 May 2019 at 11 a.m.: official opening ceremony of the IYC in the Arena.
- This will be followed by a programme of display booths and various events in the exhibition halls with over 200 programme items.
- Friday, 31 May 2019 at 8 p.m.: pop oratorio I AM in the English language
- Saturday, 1 June 2019 starting at 9 a.m.: exhibition programme
- Saturday, 1 June 2019 at 7.30 p.m.: an evening of music in the Arena
- Saturday, 1 June 2019 starting at 10 p.m.: open air programme
- Sunday, 2 June 2019 at 10 a.m.: closing divine service with Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider in the Arena
Additional answers to any questions you may have about the IYD 2019 can be found in the FAQs on the website.
Photo: Marcel Felde
Article info
Peter Johanning
International Youth Convention 2019 (IYC)