Results from categories (11)

Changes among the Apostles (1/2024) District Apostle Helpers, fourteen who... ...on the leadership level There were... the leadership level of the... District Apostle Helper Stefan Pöschel... ...addition, District Apostle Helper Arnold Mhango... ...Apostle, District Apostle Michael Ehrich ordained... ...25 February, District Elder Helmut Hermann... ...the hitherto District Elder Kenneth Korokai... ...that District Apostle Michael Ehrich retired... ...are as follows: Michael David Deppner... ...of Congo West Michael Ehrich (1959)... ...South America Stefan Pöschel (1968) –... ...Western Germany John Schnabel (1964) –... District Apostle Helpers, some of... District Apostle Helpers: Thomas Deubel... ...Canada João Uanuque Misselo (1965) –... ...– Southern Africa Helge Mutschler (1974)... ...Ehrich ordained Priest Salvador Mitogo Obiang... More

A new generation of leaders in the Church

...friend: these were laurels that Chief... ...the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, the... ...Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala,... ...and Tobago, as well as Venezuela.... ...region is John Schnabel . The... ...hitherto District Apostle Helper was appointed... God, as well as infectious... ...was with these laurels that the... ...Apostle John L. Kriel . The... ...South Africa, as well as Botswana,... ...Namibia, Réunion, the Seychelles, St. Helena,... ...hitherto District Apostle Helper Peter Lambert... ...The 59-year-old is well-known across the... ...for example, Thomas Deubel was assigned... ...a District Apostle Helper in September... ...addition to Switzerland itself, this area... ...and Spain. Stefan Pöschel was already... District Apostle Helper for the... ...Albania, Angola, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Burkina Faso,... ...Gambia, Georgia, Greece, Guadeloupe, Guinea-Bissau, Iran,... ...of District Apostle Helper assignments follows... ...opportunity to familiarise themselves, to become... the highest levels of the... ...two District Apostle Helpers have been... ...and a new Helper has been... ...Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana,... More

Half a century in ministry

...hitherto District Apostle Helper John Schnabel... various priestly levels of ministry... ...a District Apostle Helper. For seven... ...the USA. The approximately 82,000 members... ...the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, the... ...Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala,... ...and Tobago, as well as Venezuela.... ...give my entire self into the... ...empathetic minister. He himself once said:... ...ability to put yourself into the... ...feelings or circumstances... ...experiencing these things yourself. People who... not especially helpful to people... ...process, you make yourself vulnerable because... ...have to put yourself in a... ...inclusion of the believers entrusted to... on their level in their... ...time to devote himself to serious... ...Schneider assigned John Schnabel a District... ...Apostle Helper as part... journey, I feel that serving... ...very enriching and helpful in one’s... ...Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana,... More