Results from dossiers (8)

A Church of closeness

...of the Democratic Republic of the... ...of the Democratic Republic of the... ...with a handful of members or... ...a crowd of tens of... ...and the south of Germany. About... ...offering and sacrifice... ...the south-eastern part of the Democratic... ...Republic of the Congo... expenses, none of this would... ...that God blesses offerings and sacrifices.... the person of the retired... ...shaped the faith of the brothers... ...up to each of us as... ...that he is often separated from... ...widely scattered children of God. In... ...Sri Lanka and, of course, Canada.... ...view, Africans are often happier people... ...western world are often so focused... ...In the congregation of Hüntwangen in... ...the western part of the Democratic... ...Republic of the Congo.... ...discuss a number of broader organisational... ...clear in many of the personal... ...and personal care of the individual... ...the serving nature of their ministry... ...come. A Church of closeness Before... ...know the leaders of the international... ...a small sample of the many... ...Whether in a... ...District Apostles, like the Chief Apostle,... ...quick visit. Yet, the District Apostles... ...and the District Apostle... ...are possible. On the Wednesday before... ...the 2024 Pentecost... ...celebrations they were booked... Switzerland and the south of... ...Tshitshi Tshisekedi from the south-eastern part... ...of the Democratic Republic... ...of the Congo was... ...Europe’s support for the Church in... ...folded his hands. Then he looked... the congregation and... ...bowed. Whether musical instruments,... from Europe. The congregation in... ...offerings and sacrifices. The District Apostle... ...said that the Church in... ...the Congo not... ...spiritual support in the person of... ...the retired District... ...also worked in the Congo some... ...ago and shaped the faith of... ...the brothers and sisters.... ...Lörrach, Germany, when they started to... ...and volunteer for the Church at... from God, the District Apostle... as individuals. The young people... ...took to ask them about their... ...from Angola told the congregation in... ...He responded to the impressed reactions... ...relaxed wink and the remark, “Africa!”... provide for the widely scattered... ...Basle in Switzerland the moderators asked... ...When asked about the differences between... ...the cultures, he... ...that people in the western world... ...material things that they have lost... ...their happiness and... ...Jean-Luc Schneider surprised the congregation in... ...Oberwinterthur in Switzerland together with the... ...also socialised with the brothers and... ...sisters after the divine service.... ...In the congregation of... ...Ehrich talked about the recent Church... ...taken place in Southern Germany and... ...even sang in the choir. In... ...Germany, children led the question-and-answer session... ...Michael Deppner from the western part... ...of the Democratic Republic... ...of the Congo. He... ...personal situation, about the Church, and... general in the Congo. The... ...brothers and sisters... ...were amazed when the District Apostle... ...told them about the 1,700 congregations... ...Kinshasa alone. In the other congregations,... ...too, the brothers and sisters... experience that the Apostles were... ...passionate about their ministry and... rather than seeing... ...I love Jesus.” They had come... serve ‌The Church leaders... ...organisational issues and theological subjects in... ...the days that... many of the personal encounters... ...around the midweek service... ...personal care of the individual and... ...the serving nature... ...of their ministry are... ...still important to the District Apostles.... ...moved by what they heard and... ...of closeness Before the Pentecost service,... Switzerland and southern Germany had... ...the opportunity to... ...get to know the leaders of... ...the international Church... ...little better during the midweek service.... ...small sample of the many encounters.... ...Republic of the Congo was asked... ...Church in the Congo not only... ...worked in the Congo some time... ...Republic of the Congo. He was... ...general in the Congo. The brothers... More

NAC Talks: doctrine, faith, life

...Michael Deppner (Democratic Republic Congo West)... ...has little to offer—even if you... ...a very special offer! In contrast,... completely different. Of the eleven... ...joyful and full of enthusiasm. In... ...the second book of Acts. The... the homes of families who... ...both a gift of God as... ...well as man’s profession of faith... ...The Apostles’ doctrine, of which we... verse 42 of Acts 2,... ...authority.” “The image of breaking the... ...Jesus did that often, he continued.... ...became a kind of identifying feature... ...of His. Even... ...precise, and full of praise and... ...Chapel, just outside of Washington, is... ...The first speaker... take to the podium was... ...happy with what they have. Life... ...than kind to them. He knows... ...with crutches for the longest time,... ...was shorter than the other. Working... ...and participate in the Cape Town... ...did not do the entire marathon,... ...but he participated! The District Apostle... ...appealed to the many listeners:... ...his work in the Congo. Under... ...the title “NAC... ...Life in the Congo –... ...rural” he showed the big differences... ...many villages in the country, there... no electricity. There are no... ...and no Internet. The villagers love... sit together, and they... ...offer! In contrast, the situation in... ...the Congolese capital... ...completely different. Of the eleven million... ...people in the city, 350,000... ...huge city alone. The challenges here... ...are quite different: there are not... ...managed to baffle the audience. The... big as the USA, but... ...New Apostolic congregations. The distances are... manage. Yet, the members are... ...Germany spoke about the Pentecost theme... ...“And they continued …”... ...from the second book... ...of Acts. The first Christian... ...have a building. The members met... the homes of... ...become Christians. In the beginning, they... ...still attended the services in... ...the synagogues, but... ...before long they developed their... ...for example. Since then, it has... ...become the gateway to... ...being a Christian, the theologian explained.... Jesus did The Apostles’ doctrine,... ...was not something the Apostles had... ...come up with themselves. “They passed... ...on what they had learned... ...which is why they enjoyed such... ...special authority.” “The image of... ...breaking the bread means... ...of His. Even the Risen Christ... ...“Wherever Christians meet, they break the... ...prayer. “Jesus is the one who... ...Praying like Jesus therefore belongs to... ...the Christian congregation. The Lord’s Prayer,... ...not only for the first US... ...but also for the divine service... ...On Saturday afternoon, the Christian event... ...centre hosted the exhibition NAC... ...Deppner (Democratic Republic Congo West) provided... in the Congo. Under the... ...Life in the Congo – urban... ...situation in the Congolese capital is... More

The preparations take time”

...from the Democratic Republic of the... ...about the location of the conference... the head office of the... ...important in view of the divine... Canada. Instead of a concert... ...afternoon, which is often the case... the context of a District... ...exhibition, the first of its kind,... ...the Democratic Republic of the Congo,... ...the theological consultant of NACI, will... ...early church. All of this will... ...Erich Senn, head of administration at... ...the international offices in Zurich,... ...The first thing... ...Senn says. Since the District Apostles... ...and their assistants meet... ...happens to be the American capital.”... ...The District Apostles... ...are informed about the location of... ...the conference a... ...and make any other arrangements that... made. “During the District Apostle... ...Vienna last year the Chief Apostle... ...takes place at the head office... ...of the Church in... ...equipped conference centre there,” the administrative... and at the lectern, two... ...projectors for the two conference... ...various monitors. For the South American... ...into Spanish, and the accompanying slides... ...a monitor for them. “Good air-conditioning... ...says. After all, the participants are... ...any hotel across the world. “The... ...location is therefore really secondary,”... important for the Chief Apostle,... ...considered one after the other. This... view of the divine service... ...always held on the Sunday. In... ...this way, the Chief Apostle... ...can reach all brothers and sisters,... ...his visit in the respective country... ...Washington Washington is the location this... ...Not only will the District Apostle..., but also the Pentecost service.... ...There will not... ...this year, however. The service will... transmitted across the USA and... ...which is often the case in... ...the context of... ...special idea. Under the title “NAC... ...Talks”, the Church in... ...the USA has... ...planned an exhibition, the first of... ...members from across the country are... ...invited. Among the many activities... visiting ministers. The District Apostles... ...Michael Deppner from the Democratic Republic... ...of the Congo, and... ...Evangelist Reinhard Kiefer, the theological consultant... ...short lecture on the congregational life... the early church.... ...take place at the Hylton Memorial... ideal venue. The Pentecost service... here. As the motto says,... ...“And they continued …”... ...“The preparations take... ...time” “The Chief Apostle... ...has the last word,”... ...of administration at the international offices... ...Republic of the Congo, and Raùl... More

Results from categories (235)

A special way to say thank you

...of the Democratic Republic of the... ...October 2024. Many of the divine... ...for the service of man, that... ...glad the heart of man, oil... ...In the congregation of Lauterbach in... ...used the logo of their Regional... lettering made of fruit, in... ...the south-eastern part of the Democratic... ...Republic of the Congo... ...nature. The congregation of Kamonia, for... the congregation of Kachoma. Thank... ...years, the congregation of Benrath in... ...yellow sun made of polystyrene hovered... the Day of the Youth... ...harvest wagon’s motto of sun and... ...explored the theme of Thanksgiving in... ...Him the centre of their lives.... ...good cause Much of the produce... ...or in front of the altar... the beginning of October. In... ...were a picture of gratitude.... ...2024. Many of the divine services... the New Apostolic... ...were based on the Bible passage... ...14–15: “He causes the grass to... ...grow for the cattle, and... ...vegetation for the service of... ...forth food from the earth, and... ...that makes glad the heart of... ...and bread which strengthens man’s heart.”... ...In many places, the altars were... ...and showed what the members are... ...grateful for. In the congregation of... ...Germany, for example, the children expressed... ...their gratitude for... photos at the altar. In... ...many congregations used the logo of... ...their Regional Church—interpreting... ...motto “Prayer works!”—in their altar decorations.... ...of fruit, in others it was... ...Some congregations in the south-eastern part... ...of the Democratic Republic... ...of the Congo wrote... ...about what they are grateful... ...for apart from the produce that... ...provided by nature. The congregation of... ...ministerial gifts during the Thanksgiving service.... ...And the Essence congregation... ...received new members. The children and... ...youth expressed their gratitude with... ...a concert in the congregation of... ...Thank God for the sun As... ...has been the case for... ...several years, the congregation of... ...parade in Düsseldorf. The thirty or... ...attracted attention with their harvest wagon... ...hovered next to the obligatory harvest... ...been used at the Day of... ...the Youth in... ...extra emphasis on the harvest wagon’s... ...God with you The children from... ...the Nkawkaw Central... Ghana explored the theme of... ...and contributed to the altar decorations.... ...The district rector... ...conducted the Thanksgiving Day... ...ever. Great is the Lord, and... ...greatness is unsearchable.” Together with the... ...children there were over... ...200 people in the divine service.... ...In the sermon, he... ...who make Him the centre of... ...their lives. He... ...that God is there for those... ...cause Much of the produce and... ...used to decorate the Thanksgiving Day... much as they can. In... ...South African congregations the canned food... front of the altar and... ...complements the altar decorations.... ...thank you Many brothers and sisters... ...around the world traditionally... ...thank you at the beginning of... was Thanksgiving. Whether watermelons, carrots,... ...or family photos, the altars were... ...Republic of the Congo wrote about... More

From sales to pastoral care: travelling for a good cause

...the Central African Republic, the Republic... ...has achieved his professional goal, although... ...Republic, the Republic of Congo, Rwanda,... ...and the rest of Canada. Getting... ...He took advantage of the opportunity... ...offered by the... ...the other side of the North... ...says in his office in Toronto,... ...great master plan Professionally, Arnaud Martig... ...Although it was often difficult when... ...His wife was often alone in... ...had a number of conversations with... ...translator in each of the African... the way of my serving.”... the joy of visiting many... ...lot in his professional life and... ...quite a bit of the world,... ...his future field of work and... ...for the district of Canada on... ...responsible for spreading the gospel, also... ...regularly travels to the Central African... ...Republic, the Republic of... ...Bangladesh, India, Cambodia, the Maldives, Nepal,... ...Sri Lanka, and the rest of... ...Getting to know the wide world... ...took advantage of the opportunity offered... the European Erasmus... ...semester. He stayed there for a... ...France. Shortly after the wedding, he... Switzerland. After the company was... ...a Canadian company, the young couple... ...moved to the other side of... ...the North Atlantic... ...1998, to Canada. They had originally... ...already involved in the New Apostolic... ...Church. And the great-grandson? “I... ...happy to serve the Lord without... ...he played in the orchestra conducted... ...he took over the youth choir... ...he says yes, then it is... ...God saying yes.” The rector said,... ...I will ask the Bishop.” A... ...“I spoke to the Bishop, and... ...‘If God wants them there, who... ...we to keep them back?’” And... ...then I knew... ...this. Shortly before the couple’s departure... him at the church. Arnaud... ...went there totally cool.... ...He was all the more surprised... a Deacon the next day.... Canada at the first opportunity.... ...friends all over the world. “I... ...often difficult when the children were... looking after them. And then... ...there were his... ...ministerial duties. In the meantime, Arnaud... ...was away half the time. “I... Apostle at the time, Frank... ...I said, because there is no... ...are home.’” And then the Lord... ...was merged with another. His new... ...time for his brothers and sisters... Canada. “Let the Lord fight... each of the African countries... him find them. “I had... ...Arnaud Martig admits. The two got... know each other well on... ...know and love the brothers and... ...would never have another opportunity to... ...Africa again. When the District Apostle... ...become an Apostle, there was joy... ...a shock for the District Evangelist,... immigrant in the country, “Why... ...I don’t have the skills. I... ...don’t have the talent that... ...needed. But if the Lord calls,... ...Apostle. Due to the pandemic, the... ...Apostle to perform the ordination. “My... learn” And then another dinner... ...together. This time... ...updated him on the latest plans:... ...Apostle Helper for the District Apostle... ...Canada. “We trust the Lord. That’s... ...imperfections get in the way of... ...looking forward to the responsibility, but... the joy of... ...countries and experiencing the fellowship with... ...the brothers and sisters.... ...a bit of the world, he... ...been to all the countries in... ...Apostle Helper for the district of... ...the Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and... More

Setting the course for the future the Democratic Republic of the... ...and a lot of wrestling with... ...Mudinganyi.” The future of Congo West... ...the eastern part of the DR... 2021. Nine of these years... travel because of the Covid... ...has the task of setting the... ...for the future of the Regional... ...give up his profession, which he... the field of disease control... ...Church Congo West Of the 9.3... ...million members of the New... ...the Democratic Republic of the Congo.... ...Africa in terms of area and... the end of 2024. The... the person of Stefan Pöschel... ...the latest member of the international... ...must prepare for the future.” This... ...ministerial act in the divine service... ...Kinshasa (DR Congo). “The District Apostle... ...both came to the same conclusion.... ...Apostle Helper for the DR Congo... ...Élie Mukinda Mudinganyi.” The future of... Lubumbashi, in the eastern part... ...of the DR Congo.... ...first ministry in the New Apostolic... ...2021. Nine of these years he... ...In 2021, when the Chief Apostle... because of the Covid pandemic,... Apostle. Since then he has... ...served the brothers and sisters... the Kinshasa-West district,... ...around 120 congregations. Together with District... ...he now has the task of... ...setting the course for... ...the future of the Regional Church... ...before God and the congregation that... ...address before assigning the Apostle. The... ...Apostle explained that the District Apostle... work for the Church full-time.... ...The newly appointed... ...recently worked with the US Embassy... ...and epidemiologist in the field of... ...Congo West Of the 9.3 million... ...members of the New Apostolic... ...third live in the Democratic Republic... ...of the Congo. It... the second largest... ...District Apostle Areas. There is the... ...Jean-Luc Schneider. And then there is... ...the DR Congo... ...Constant change in the District Apostle... ...Areas Over the past two... ...years, the course for... ...the future has... leadership in the District Apostle... 2023, two further regions will... ...District Apostles by the end of... ...2024. The New Apostolic... ...District Apostle in the person of... ...this coming Sunday the New Apostolic... ...Thomas Deubel. Setting the course for... ...the future “The District Apostle... ...Schneider said to the latest member... ...of the international Church... Kinshasa (DR Congo). “The District... ...for the DR Congo West. It... ...The future of Congo West Elie... ...of the DR Congo. He is... ...the Regional Church Congo West. “I... ...New Apostolic Church Congo West Of... ...Republic of the Congo. It is... the DR Congo South-East, led... the DR Congo West with... More